KILLED FOREIGN CURRENCY PENSION WITH PRIZE: Details of horrific murder in Provo village, Sladjani’s wives instead of loot (PHOTO)


According to the prosecutor Obradović, she is charged with the crime of aggravated murder, for which a prison sentence of 10 years or more is foreseen.

On Thursday, Sladjana was arrested “on suspicion of having killed her neighbor, the foreign currency pensioner Ivanka R. (78), with an ax to the back of her neck”. She was immediately detained by the police for up to 48 hours, with the consent of the Superior Prosecutor of Sabac.

Let us remind you, as “Novosti” finds out, Sladjana, already in the police, admitted that she committed this crime.

By the way, Sladjana is known in town for thefts, and the locals openly say that there is no house that she has not entered and taken what she can get: money and jewelry, but also food from the freezer, meat from the smokehouse. .. For the last five years, they say, he roamed the houses and no one could do anything to him.

Photo: AD

– She has a husband, Darko, a farmer and hardworking host. When he found out again what he had stolen, the man would come back and apologize. But, it was recently rumored that her marital relationships were also called into question because she could no longer suffer – a Prova resident tells us.

The Raskovics have a daughter who married and a son who lives with them. Until recently, after the death of their parents, Sladjana’s 14-year-old brother also lived in the same household, but when it turned out that Sladjana was stealing, he was transferred to another sister by decision of the social work center.

The window through which the thief entered / Photo: AD

– Darko was attached to that boy and fought to stay with them in the house, but there was nothing he could do. We are not at all surprised that the robbery went wrong and we all assumed that their campaigns would have to end fatally one day – says our interlocutor in Provo.

Police found the items registered at the scene, and the search revealed a larger amount of money, which Sladjana obviously failed to find.

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