Kikanović: Gajić’s false accusations, the baby’s death shook me


Gynecologist Dragan Kikanović rejected the accusations of Branko Gajić, the wife of Natasa Gajić, whose baby died in childbirth at GAK “Narodni Front”, and the other was on the machines. Kikanović said that he did everything possible and that he regrets the tragic case. He called Gajić’s claims “false” and noted that there was medical documentation on the entire case.

A few days ago, H1 television broadcast a story about the Gajić family. Branko Gajić later told us that his wife with a twin pregnancy and coronavirus did not get help in time, so one baby died and the other ended up in the machines. H1 also contacted the “Narodni Front” Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic, as well as the KBC “Dragiša Mišović”, which issued statements that contradicted Branko Gajić’s testimony. In reaction to those announcements, Branko Gajić told H1 on Friday that GAK “Narodni Front” is trying to “wash up”, and says he received information about his son on a spoon.

In New Day on N1b, Kikanović expressed his regret over the baby’s death and stated that it was a great stress for him and his colleagues.

“I mean I understand her (Branko Gajić’s) condition and her mental disorder, but I can’t get over the gross and malicious falsehoods she presented. The first falsehood is that I managed to get Natasha pregnant. I only saw Natasha once, in letters and “It was in a private office a month and a half before the expected delivery, and seven days before the delivery. I looked at her later in a private office, she was in excellent condition and she didn’t have any corona symptoms, “Kikanovic said.

According to him, they then agreed to meet in seven days at the GAK “Narodni Front” to continue the examinations. However, he claims that Natasa Gajic had a fever the next day.

“She only told me that on Friday, after three days. I told her to get tested. I asked her how she felt, she said she didn’t feel bad, just that she had a high fever at some point. I told her that she takes an antibiotic , he lowers the temperature with paracetamol, takes vitamins and rehydrates. That day he told me afterwards that the test was positive. I told him that if he was okay, tomorrow we would talk and see what would happen, “said Kikanovic. .

He mentioned that the pregnant woman called him the next day and told him that she thought her water broke.

“I told him I was going to the ‘Popular Front’, I called his colleagues on duty and announced that a pregnant woman with twins, positive for the crown, would come. A colleague who was on duty received, did a test for the outbreak of Aquarius, she found that the aquarium did not explode, she did an ultrasound, recording the action of the heart of both fetuses, and everything indicated that everything was fine with the pregnancy, “says Kikanović.

After that, Natasa Gajic returned home.

When asked if hospitals are obliged to accept pregnant women, whether they are positive or not, she replied that a pregnant woman who is still a month and a half is not about to give birth.

“If we received all pregnant women a month and a half before delivery to go to bed, ten more hospitals of this type would not be enough for us,” emphasizes Kikanović.

He said he and his colleagues are acting according to “obstetric instructions.”

Accelerated complications

“If a woman is in labor, or if her aquarium has broken, we receive her and start labor. If a woman came because she has a fever and because she is sick with covid, she should be treated at the competent kovid clinic and hospital. “. he says.

“He called me on Sunday, said he was in ‘Mišović’, that they had done an ultrasound, that everything was fine, but that he had asked for an infusion, to lower the temperature, and that they had told him that they had no can, as well as they can’t do that and they sent her to the ‘Popular Front’. I called the doctor on duty again, told him what it was about, he came and refused the exam, “emphasizes Kikanović and adds that there is a document in which it is stated that the patient declined examination.

“According to the team that was on duty, she refused the exam. The doctor advised her to stay, because she is coming for the second day in a row, and she refused … On the contrary, says her husband, who was not present during the exam “. to something that she could not know, what it was and what it was like. Her husband came to the “Popular Front” after the birth, sat in the director’s office and asked, “Why didn’t you force her to stay?” We can make someone stay You can’t even make her sign if she doesn’t want to, “Kikanovic stressed.

“I don’t understand why this man (Branko Gajic) thinks I did something wrong. I could only say when I saw that he had a crown, I said, ‘Go the normal way, don’t call me.’ But I wanted, humanly, to help them. , to streamline them, to end it. And I also wanted to warn my colleagues that the crown of pregnant women will come to them, and that they too will protect themselves, ”he points out.

Kikanović also rejects Branko Gajić’s claims that he urged from home not to admit the pregnant woman to the “Popular Front” later.

“Do you really think that my power is so great, that I call the doctor on duty from home, and tell him not to receive anyone, if he faxes his decision, which is contrary to medical beliefs? So what Nurse said that? I would like that sister to confront me and tell me that. Do you think that if a woman is in the emergency room, she will not receive her because I called and asked her not to admit her? They are the worst lies, “said Kikanovic. that the whole case is noted in the medical documentation.

He claims that the pregnant woman called him both on Sunday and Monday, when she told him that it hurt.

“I told him: Urgent to the ‘Popular Front’. She arrived in an advanced stage of labor, fully open. With the fetus in the birth canal, deep. She was admitted, an ultrasound was performed, it was said that the first baby had no heartbeat, that the other is fine, and she gave birth immediately, “she says, adding that it is not known how the crown specifically affected the delivery, because in different people act in different ways.

“We cannot hospitalize all pregnant women with a crown a month and a half before giving birth,” Kikanović repeats.

He revealed that the condition of the surviving baby was good, adding that “according to all reports, everything will be fine with that child.”

“That child was born with two kilos and eighty grams. Premature, premature child, immature and with immature lungs. In most cases (such babies) require mechanical support for ventilation. So that child was born with a good grade for his age of pregnancy. and due to his maturity. They put him on mechanical ventilation and gave him a drug that leads to lung maturity. That child has already been removed from ventilation, he breathes spontaneously and apparently everything will be fine with that child, “explains Kikanovic.
