KIDNAP employers pay minimum wage to workers: Instead of the 30,000 the state paid to its employees, a significantly reduced amount arrives | Economy



May 15, 2020 09:03 |

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Some employers ask workers to give them some of the state money. From 30,367 dinars, they take 18,000 dinars to pay contributions

Of the accounts of many workers in Serbia, who had a minimum of 30,367 dinars, only 12,000 went into their pockets, because their bosses asked for part of the money! Some employers have given themselves the right to take 18,000 dinars from the state-paid minimum wage as an excuse and justification that they will use that money to pay taxes and contributions to the employee. Both the authorities and the experts affirm that this is inadmissible and that it is a violation.

The controversy over the morality of this act has developed on social networks. Bosses are mainly justified by the fact that they have not worked for two months and also have to pay contributions during that time. However, the state has postponed that compensation and will pay it from January 1 of the next year, in 24 installments. Regardless of that cost, the Ministry of Finance notes that employers have no right to deprive workers of the minimum paid.

– The employers must pay the money received on the basis of direct payments to the current accounts of the employees, they explain in the corresponding ministry. – Therefore, the Decree does not provide for the possibility for employers to keep part of the money, obtained on the basis of direct payments, on behalf of the payment of taxes and contributions on employees’ wages.

Accountant Svetlana Zivanovic also cautions that there is no dilemma as to who the money is intended for.

– Employers receive 30,367 dinars in a dedicated account, which they must transfer to the workers’ current account – explains accountant Zivanovic. – There is no talk that employees can return part of their money. Such behavior is pure abuse and is unacceptable.

The state has decided to help employers by paying three minimum wages for workers, and postponing the payment of taxes and contributions. They could decide whether to use that help for March, April and May or for April, May and June. Experts also point out that the state of emergency lasted from mid-March to early May, so employers had a one-and-a-half month work stoppage, and the state reserved three minimums for its workers. Aid to employers is reflected in the fact that they did not have to give that money for employees’ wages.

Dusko Vukovic of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Serbia emphasizes that the possibilities of manipulation are very small.

– Those who even dare to deal with it will be easily detected and punished – says our interlocutor. – I appeal to all those who are damaged to contact us and point us to the problems. As long as there is fear among workers of denouncing bosses, nothing will change and their socially inhumane actions will survive. The money should have been given only to those who were unable to work in the previous period, and not to all. Unfortunately, some employers abuse the goodwill and the will of the state.


The Labor Ministry says the labor inspection was not addressed by employees with reports pointing to this problem. All those who have a problem with the employer are invited to contact them, but also to the financial inspection of the Ministry of Finance. They emphasize that wages are paid in the manner and within the terms established by the Labor Law and other laws.

– In accordance with the regulations, the salary consists of compensation for work, time spent at work, salary based on the employee’s contribution to work and other income based on employment. It also includes taxes and contributions that are paid with the salary, they say in the Ministry.
