KICK BOXER’S FATHER’S TEARS FLOW DOWN MY FACE AS HE SAYS: The earth has been pulling at me since my son was killed. But here I waited for the killer to be found


We are very grateful to the Montenegrin police for arresting the fugitive and we hope Predrag Miketic will soon be extradited to Serbia. We hope that you will be responsible for what you did, not only to our son, but to the entire family. We are only interested in where it has been all these years and who hid it and why.

This is what Draginja Cvetković, the mother of Vladan Cvetković (20), a member of the Yugoslav national kickboxing team who was assassinated on November 3, 1997 in front of the entrance to the Red Star Stadium in Belgrade, says of “Novosti”. A few days ago, Predrag Miketić (42) from Belgrade was arrested in Bar, for whom Serbia issued an Interpol warrant, on suspicion that he killed Cvetković. Extradition was ordered and is awaiting extradition.

– He is accused of aggravated homicide and Goran Pavlović as an accomplice – continues the mother of the murdered. – I sincerely hope that Miketić is responsible for the murdered youth, the despair and the tears of our family. I don’t know by what law he will be tried, but I hope he receives the maximum punishment for what he did, and especially because he lived his life all these years, maybe he even started a family, while our son was going to the grave. I think the same of Pavlović, who has never been tried and is at large.

Draginja Cvetković / Photo by M. Anđela

Justifying her doubts, the mother says they are – justified.

– For years, I broke down the doors of the police, the prosecution, the court, politicians and nothing. They receive me and say: “Don’t worry, we are looking for it, everything will be fine.” At first I trusted the competent authorities, but eventually I stopped. I realized that something was wrong and that it was impossible for the murderer of my son, who was only 19 at the time, to be inaccessible to the prosecution, unless he had help. So we started our own investigation.

Our interlocutor assures that Predrag Miketić’s family, who comes from Peja, is very numerous:

– We learned that the Miketić are quite a wealthy family, that there are businessmen, people in prominent positions in the police and other state institutions, but also some who had criminal records. So we suspect that someone powerful probably helped him escape after the crime and went into hiding all these years. But, here, justice has reached it …


VLADAN was not a quarrelsome person. But if he crossed out someone, it was for the rest of his life and always with a reason. I doubt that there is jealousy either, because our son dedicated his life to kickboxing in which he proved to be an elite athlete and was unrivaled. Since he could not harm him in any other way, because he was better, Miketić attacked him and killed him, cowardly and from behind, with a gun. How will they look us in the eye? – asks Zarko Cvetkovic.

Despite the fact that the parents of the murdered hope that the Serbian justice will severely punish the author of the brutal crime, they say that they do not want to take revenge on anyone, but that they hope that their closest people will suffer, such as the Cvetković family:

– Due to the death of my son, everyone in the family shed many tears, and I ended up in the hospital, with tranquilizers, which I still take today. I wake up every morning and every night I still go to bed hoping that Vladan’s killer will be found and punished. That hope and that desire have kept me alive all these years.

Draginja’s husband and Vladan’s father Žarko, wiping away the tears that run down the old man’s face, adds:

– The earth has dragged me since my son was killed. But, here, I waited for their killer to be found. I can die now.

When asked if they possibly knew why Miketic killed her son, the mother said:

– We don’t know exactly. We know they knew each other. Miketic trained at the same club as Vladan, but had problems with the team he fought with, because, as we have heard, he stole them. He was already prohibited from coming to the club. That’s what our son told us. Vladan didn’t tell us that the two of them were in a fight over those things, but he said that he no longer had anything to talk about and work with with that person.


However, on the fateful November 3, 1997, Miketic appeared at the club.

– We heard that he entered the gym where the training was taking place. So, he was checking to see if Vladan had planned to hurt him there in advance, because he took Goran Pavlović with him, who he told to warm up the car and wait for him in it while he “did” something. He waited for Vladan to come out and while holding a sports bag in his hand, he opened the lock of the “warburg”, approached him and shot him. He fired the entire cartridge. Then he ran away and left Vladan to die on the street – says the mother through tears.


ACCORDING TO “Novosti” information, Predrag Miketić arrived in the Montenegrin port city about 10 days ago and was later arrested.

– He was arrested in the center of Bar. He remained in Italy, from where he arrived in Montenegro in mid-August. He had forged Montenegrin documents, says our Bar police source. (BD)

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