KFOR TAKES A SERBIAN HOST FROM COUNTRY: Instead of wheat, arable land trampled by tanks


In the rented house where Dragan lives, he is covered in papers … In each different language, Albanian, English, French … He has been watching them helplessly for years, waiting for something to change.

American democracy in action

– I went to the KFOR command a hundred times, I just didn’t sleep there … But nothing! While they were French, they paid something, but since the Americans took over, and this is the sixth year, they haven’t given a dinar! Not just for me, but also for other people who have the same problem, says Dragan.

The second largest military base in Kosovo and Metohija was built on 4.97 hectares of land in Dragan. The proof that you are the owner of that property is the certificate of the land books that you received in the Pristina cadastre from the Albanians.

– My great-grandfather rolled in the grave! First, our property was confiscated by the communists, and just when we got it back, they were occupied by a foreign army! he says.

Came to the French court and won

The base that KFOR established immediately after arriving in Kosovo and Metohija in 1999 on the land of Dragan is in fact a Forward Command Post (FCP) camp run by members of the Kosovo Force (KFOR) and coordinated operations in the northern Kosovo. The FCP is in charge of situational patrols, vehicle checkpoints and units housed at Camp Nottingham Hill and Gate 1. The FCP has 48 US soldiers and more than 1,000 personnel. The majority of American, German, French, Moroccan, Romanian, Swiss and Slovenian personnel operate from the camp.

Initially, the base was commanded by the French corps, which Dragan turned to first for compensation. Dragan’s case was found in a French court that ruled in his favor.

The French Defense Ministry offered the Mihajlović six-year compensation for using 52,512 euros, of which more than half went to lawyers and other legal matters. They arrived at this amount on the basis, as indicated in the settlement document, of the annual loss of profit parameters of the wheat yield. They calculated the price of a kilogram of wheat and a yield of five tons per hectare and reached the amount of 6,564 euros per year, for a total of 3.28 hectares. Dragan agreed to the offer.

Americans won’t even hear they’re paying

When the French left the base in 2014, Dragan was convinced that the Americans would behave like the French. He duly arranged the documents and title deed and the French court ruling appeared in front of his door with a request to pay for the fur. However, time passes and the answer did not come from them.

– They told me to wait a couple of days, and it’s been six years! Now they say they can’t, because we don’t know who will pay, whether we (KFOR) or UNMIK will pay. My children are scattered all over the world, I am alone here and waiting for a miracle to happen! If I have to, do everything from scratch, hire lawyers and chase with them – it will be easier for me to lie in front of the door and let them run over me – says this experienced man excitedly.

By the way, the base used by KFOR covers 50 hectares of arable land, mostly Serbian.

– All the armies of the world have crossed it! But these are the worst. They will not even listen, much less respect the law – he says.

Instead of wheat, the ground was trampled by tanks

The Dragan Mihajlović family from Novo Selo Madjunski, near Vučitrn, was deprived of 4.97 hectares of land in 1953, in accordance with the then land fund law, and on the basis of so-called “surplus land”. That land became social property, that is, property of the agricultural cooperative “Elan”. Almost 40 years later, in 1992, the Mihailović received a decision to have their property returned to them, based on the law on the return of confiscated land.

It is not easy to spend every day and look at your property, and not have the opportunity to get close to it, especially it is not easy to see the army, the tanks, hear foreign languages ​​in the once loose and fertile land where wheat and barley once they wavered, now trampled on, pressed down. tanks, heavy military boots …

He also approached UNMIK in due course, from where he received the reply in 2014 that, according to documents from the Serbian cadastre, which he moved to Kruševac, the KFOR base in Novo Selo Madjunski is located on land owned by social, because the decision it received was not recorded in the Serbian cadastre. in Pristina.


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