KFOR Commander: JCC formation is a controversial topic – the Society


The commander of the NATO peacekeeping mission in Kosovo (KFOR), Michele Rizi, assessed it as a controversial issue that carries a certain point of risk in the Brussels dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, which refers to the formation of the Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO).

KFOR Commander: JCC formation is controversial 1Photo: KFOR facebook

“A very controversial point in the dialogue is related to the formation of a community of municipalities in which the Serbs are the majority population and what role and executive power will be assigned to it,” Rizzi said at a conference of the Defense College Foundation of NATO in Rome.

At a conference on the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of the Western Balkans, Rizzi said that “several representatives of the Kosovo Albanians warned of the risk of ‘Bosnianization’ of Kosovo” and added that “it could endanger the state entity of Kosovo”, reports Radio Free Europe.

Rizzi stated that the Washington agreement between the leaders of Serbia and Kosovo on September 4 helped create a favorable moment for building trust between the two sides.

“The 16-point agreement certainly represents a step forward in the normalization of economic and trade relations and a stimulus for EU activities,” Rizzi said.

He added that KFOR is doing everything possible to prevent the Kosovo issue from turning into a frozen conflict, but that “there is a risk.”

Today’s meeting of the expert teams of Serbia and Kosovo in Brussels was postponed by the EU due to the risk of coronavirus. The JCC topic, although originally announced as the meeting topic, was removed from the agenda before the meeting was canceled.

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