Kesić on the start of the new season of “24 minutes”: In the focus of the agreement, we have prepared pens


Zoran Kesić, host and author of the show “24 minutes with Zoran Kesić” on TV Nova S, whose new season begins on Saturday, September 12, says that half of the new show will go to Washington’s agreement, and the rest will be dedicated to the elections in Crna. Burning. He says they finished writing the script half an hour ago and he will be leaving President Aleksandar Vučić’s announced guest appearance in public service on Thursday night for the next.

“The focus is on Washington, a historic agreement, for which it has not yet been determined when he signed with whom, be it bilateral, trilateral, be it an agreement with Kosovo, the United States or we signed it with ourselves.” ) ate, by God, half the show, “says Kesićin Dan live on TV N1.

When asked if he prepared pens for the guests, like the one Vučić received after the agreement was signed in Washington, and what he boasted about to the national public, Kesić said they purchased pens to give to their analysts.

“And a big key to open the monument to Stefan Nemanja, because there is a room in that jury, there the janitor (Deputy Mayor Goran) Vesić is sitting and turning something. I have a key that opens it,” says Kesić, who He called from Tasmajdan Park, about which he claims his “oasis of peace, happiness, love and friendship.”

He says that the hardest thing for his team and for him was “giving birth” to the script for the new program, and that filming “was a great pleasure for me to play and enjoy with the guests.”

When asked if there are dissonant tones while writing the script, he says that they are mostly harmonized, but sometimes he likes to have those dissonant tones.

“And in a love story, if there is no fight, there is no emotion, then there is that love, if I may say so, so as not to offend the viewers. That is why, in our team, we often fight, but only out of a common desire. that our show will be even better, “says Kesić, who is in a good mood.

When asked if, considering that the script is ready, it will include Vučić’s guest appearance tonight on RTS on the show that will be filmed on Friday, he said that he will not do it, but that you can already guess what he will say. .

“We assume what you can say: that it is a historic agreement, that it is important for our country, that a hand of peace has been extended, although we hear that the Kosovo side views the Serbian side with hostility. Like Marko Đurić, I quote the president and we We are sending such a delegation to Washington to dialogue with Kosovo, which should decide the start of normalization. No one is interested in normalization, I am deeply convinced. Until delegations of ordinary people living in Kosovo, who “will ask how we can live better, none of the politicians, anywhere, will be satisfied with any normalization”, believes Kesic.

He added that the bands will again perform live on the show, “we will continue to promote new bands, especially now, because if they don’t have a place to play, they can beat us.”

He said that part of the show will be dedicated to the elections in Montenegro, and that two analysts will be the guests: “Denis Kolundzija who will tell us about Washington, and the other is Djuro Radosavovic, who will tell us what happened in Montenegro.”
