Kesić: It never occurred to us that the red-black coalition would return


Journalist and presenter Zoran Kesić, author of the film on October 5, told H1 that he was never disappointed on October 5, that it was a clear victory and a confirmation of the popular will expressed on September 24, 2000 in the elections. “It was a matter of people’s sincere joy and that is Serbia that I like to remember, I would like to see that again,” says Kesić, adding that at that time no one even thought that he would be able to return to power. black coalition “.

Kesic says he watches the 20-year-old film with excitement, adding that one of the first cameras to enter parliament on October 5 was his camera. “When I look today where I managed to be, I wonder if I am normal,” Kesić said, adding that this was the first and last time he entered the Serbian Assembly.

“I haven’t seen anything from so much tear gas, and at one point I see myself in the mirror, much thinner than now,” says Kesić.

He evaluated that that day was like a movie and that there was a feeling of readiness that something would happen, and that even before October 5, there were events of the people: doctors and educators and Kolubara and students got up …

“This was being prepared, the energy was boiling and there was such a disposition on October 5 that I couldn’t take it anymore, that we no longer agreed to lie to each other and that we just fought for what we decided on September 24,” says Kesić.

He also recalled the scene on October 5, when the Red Berets shook people’s hands. “It seemed unreal … The police squads seemed to come back from the war, the fraternization … a father with his son in his arms … They were unreal emotional scenes like I had never experienced that day. It was about the sincere joy of the people. and that is the Serbia that I like to remember, I would like to see it again, “said Kesić.

He said it was then that he first saw the fear on the faces of the police when they saw how many people there were and what people were prepared for.

He stressed that he was never disappointed on October 5, that it was a pure victory and a confirmation of the will of the people expressed on September 24.

“Of course, then I was disappointed that it was not October 6. All of us who walked in the 90s in the protests had a target opponent, Slobodan Milosevic, and we thought that when we managed to defeat him, democracy, travel, standard, youth, everything. .. “said Kesic.

He pointed out that it started to happen, but very slowly, and that he was getting disappointed. “I am not the only one, we are all disappointed. We wanted to deal with the past faster,” Kesić said.

He says that at that time no one expected this government to be in Serbia 20 years later.

“We didn’t think about what would happen in 20 years, we just hoped for a better life in peace. It never really occurred to us that the red and black coalition that Seselj and Sloba were in then, and now Vucic, might return. and Dacic, “Kesic said.

On the way the media reported then and today, he says:

“Thank goodness there are no more wars, but RTS is sticking its head in the sand today, it’s not targeting that many opponents – Pink and Studio B are doing it today, and RTS is sticking its head in the sand, waiting to pass, pretending be dead, “said Kesić and concluded that the dissatisfaction of viewers with the work of RTS is justified because it does not report on issues important to citizenship.

“I don’t think some RTS people are running through the streets now and unfortunately hitting them,” Kesić said, adding that of course everyone should be held responsible for what they do, but that a chase and a herd like when he RTS director Dragoljub Milanović was defeated. it should not be repeated.

Check out the full N1 program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of October 5:
