Kesić: I am proud of the title of “traitor” when I see who they are – Vest


The end of this year was marked by the labeling of all of N1 and Nova S as “foreign mercenaries, national traitors”. I’m proud of that title (SPDI) because I can’t help but see the analogy with the Milosevic era and the same labels as the then TV Bastille. I am honored to see who all these “traitors” are, said author and host of the cult satirical show “24 Minutes” Zoran Kesić in an interview with

“Line us all up as traitors” from these two televisions. But also all the other colleagues who have been journalists, authors, presenters for years and never restructured into what a journalist should be today if he does not want to be declared a traitor, that is, public relations, chief of staff, compiler and reader of the party . announcements, daily mantra confirmer, etc. Imagine all of us traitors in full profile and face. Publish our arrest warrants in the major newspapers. “May people remember us well, may they recognize us on the street and treat us as they do with traitors and mercenaries,” Kesić said in a big New Year’s interview for, part of which we are broadcasting.

Speaking of his wishes for next year, he says that his first goal is for the world to win the crown, more precisely to stop and overcome it. “Let the virus no longer control our lives, plans and habits. I want my right to invite my wife and me to the premiere of the film in which our friends participated and to a crazy afterparty with a super band, a lot of people who we know (Sergej comes too), serving and drinking for free until midnight, and we reckon he hates us. go and then stay home. My second wish is to have lots of snow for the New Years holidays. “So much so that all citizens they have to shovel in front of their tackles, “says Kesić.

He adds that this image of working together is fabulous for him, and that his neighbors later come to him as benevolent hobbits. “My third wish is for my mother to make a Russian salad. My pro-Russian feelings during the holidays have been around for decades, and that is a tradition that nothing can jeopardize.”

Who is the best patriot and who is our “Golden Raspberry” for?

When asked who, in his opinion, deserves the title of greatest patriot and best citizen of Serbia this year and, on the contrary, the “Golden Raspberry”, he said that without hesitation he would confer the title of the greatest patriots and the best citizens to all those thousands of invisible and anonymous people. The messages and payments helped raise money for the treatment of Anika, Minja, hopes Olivera and who knows how many more children. “These people have no vested interest in helping. They don’t know those kids, but they still help. Why? Well, because that’s true patriotism. Patriotism is not an alibi quest for a meaningless present in some way. metaphysical struggle for our past, in the preservation of the marketing of tradition through the construction of mastodon monuments … Patriotism is a child, for that child to grow up and become a man. The homeland is defended by children. Period. Nothing is more important than that. Over time, you should try to create a society where the child wants to stay when they grow up and not run away from here, but that’s another story, “says Kesić.

Awards the “Golden Raspberry” to the current convocation of the Assembly for the greatest embarrassment. “They have pushed the boundaries of disgust and continue to do so from session to session. Instead of showing us, since they are alone in Parliament without opposition, how they can work without hindrance, pass laws, change bad things in this country, how they can dedicate themselves to what should be the task of the deputies, the Assembly overturned. in a madhouse and in the most shameful and meaningless convocation of Parliament in history. And they are precisely those who love to be proud of the “historical successes” and will go down in history. They just don’t like how they will be remembered. “

Kesić, in addition to numerous colleagues, was also targeted by individuals and political parties. Asked about how he sees the journalism profession in the coming year and if there is any hope that things will improve, he says that he “cultivates great optimism.”

About the labeling of journalists Nova S and N1

“The end of this year was marked by the labeling of everyone on H1 and Nova S as” foreign mercenaries, national traitors. “Those labels did not come to us from some obscure, nonsensical newspapers that are not sold on newsstands or from anonymous Twitter accounts (like all those idiotic threats and insults against President Vučić, who he will be very happy to cite as proof of coronation “and this is what they write about me”), already from the Serbian parliament bench in a television broadcast live in public service. I’m proud of that title (SPDI) because I can’t help but see the analogy with the Milosevic era and the very labels with which the then “TV Bastille” sifted the disturbing elements of the time. I’m honored to see who are among those “traitors.” Line us all “traitors” from these two televisions. But also all the other colleagues who have been journalists, authors, presenters for years and they never restructured into what a journalist should be today if he does not want to be declared a traitor, that is, public relations, chief of staff, compiler and reader of the party. announcements, daily mantra confirmer, etc. Just imagine all the traitors in profile and full face. Publish our arrest warrants in the major newspapers. That people remember us well, that they recognize us on the street and that they treat us as traitors and mercenaries. I mean, I have great optimism. I have a fake mustache, they won’t recognize me on the street. “

When asked if the decision to switch the “24 Minutes” program from national frequency to cable television was the correct one, he answered yes. He adds: “I think there would be very little satire on Nova without us. Just Ivan Ivanovic. And Pljiž. And Dare and Mare. And Vidojkovic and Kulacin. Honestly, it would be stupid of us not to be part of this crazy, silly, brave team. and incredibly creative. The fun Serbian national team is in one place and that place is called Nova. We like that fact, and we also like the fact that the ratings and impact of our program did not decrease with the transition from the national frequency to cable frequency We left the national frequency and the former TV station last year, chivalrous, conceited, in the style of “24 minutes”, and that is how it seems to me that we are still in Nova “.

When asked if satire revives civic consciousness or lulls it further, he replies that he does not know.

“I’m not sure that satire is tasked with reviving something or killing something at all. Satire should warn of corruption, catch lies, acknowledge counterfeiting, and then ridicule such phenomena. To mock people who are in positions of power and lie Or steal And they don’t go to jail So when they don’t go to jail at least satirists give them jail It’s my personal pleasure when I say everything that is close to my heart on our show. And other organs. Yes, that is my job. Yes, I have been working in television for 25 years and that is exactly what I got paid for what I do. But this is much more than a job and a salary. For a long time, ” ours “has become a necessity for me, and I also mean the boys. It is our fight for the truth, the fight against stupidity, against the pollution of Serbia, both morally, politically and ethically, and, by God literally, “says Kesić.

They claim that they are not a political organization or an NGO, so their task is to “reactivate civic awareness.” And everyone who says and writes that our program and the programs of our colleagues “kill the public” annoys me. Shut up more, cowardly alibis, generals, scoundrels, copyists … What are you preschoolers that a television program has the obligation to grab you by the arm and take you to the market to protest when something is not to your liking, or should be? maybe do it yourself? Should our show call you on a Sunday and take you to your polling place? Maybe we can round it up so that the baby doesn’t suffer. Boo, boo, boo … What a shame … “

The work of every satire, Kesić notes, whether drawn, written, recorded, sung, is a criticism of the government in the first place. “Because it is logical to hit those who have the power to decide and decide badly, those who have political weight and use it for evils, those who can correspond, and we see that and we do it. And then, like us, we “kill” the revolution. For doing a little test. In the next episode we will just show gags, slips, falls, prenks (youngsters like that) and little babies eating to get dirty, that’s so sweet and fun. We will drop the policy entirely so as not to “kill” the anger of the public. And look at the miracles, just on Monday: riots in the streets, burning containers, a river of people in Lola Ribara, Grandma Olga waving, people finally got up free from the shackles of numbness with satirical shows. All good! “

When asked why he thinks the satire annoys the ruling party so much, he says: because they are members of the ruling party, “at least the ones we see on TV are mostly boring, shy, insecure and unspiritual pets of their boss. “. They think you expect them to bark at satire (and everything else not to the boss’s taste) And they will bark. They consider it their obligation and they are absolutely right. “

And to stand out in that pack, he adds, everyone tries to bark louder, clench their teeth more, bite harder, so that the boss notices that effort and remembers it. “They are often comical in these endeavors, so they make mistakes, then break their tongues, then pretend, then exaggerate, then write songs, then recite in Assembly, so they can’t pronounce the actor’s name when they take it out of the country, and sometimes they even criticize themselves for not trying hard enough to defend the boss from anyone’s attack … Ultimately, I don’t care why the satire bothers them so much. “I like that you don’t feel comfortable,” he said. Koja.

When asked if he would describe 2020 as good or bad, he said: “Bad, with some precious moments here and there that could be a guide to where and how to move towards a much better future.”

You can watch the new New Years special episode with Zoran Kesić, in which the guests will be actress Branka Katic, Svetlana Ceca Bojković and Dragan Bjelogrlić, tonight at 9pm on Nova S.
