KCV MEDICAL POLICE DETENTION: Suspected of taking 4,200 euros per operation, criminal charges are filed


The police also arrested Ž. S. (1960) suspected of having committed the crime of bribery in mediation and filed criminal charges in ordinary proceedings against three other people, one of whom was a police officer.

The IE suspect is accused of taking a total of 4,200 euros from three patients for surgery, in addition to the waiting list. It is suspected that he took 1,500 euros for two operations, while he requested and took 1,200 for the third.

JS arrested is accused of having participated as an intermediary in giving a 1,500 euro bribe to the suspect IE

Criminal charges in the ordinary procedure on suspicion of committing criminal acts of bribery will be brought against two people, while criminal charges will be brought against a forty-eight-year-old police officer on suspicion that he committed the crime of bribery in mediation.

Suspects IE and Ž. S. received an arrest warrant of up to 48 hours and will be transferred to the Special Department for the Suppression of Corruption of the Novi Sad Superior Prosecutor’s Office, together with a criminal report.

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