United Valley MP – SDA Sandaka aip Kamberi did not choose to say bad things about the Serbian government.
Source: Tanjug

During Kamberi’s speech, the President of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dai, reacted and asked him to take care of his rhetoric, that is, to use expressions appropriate to the parliament of the republic.
“I don’t want to get into an argument and argue, and I could, if something is true or not. You provoke me,” Dai said.
Kamberi began his outburst with a “Mirdita, good afternoon.”
“If I listened to the advice that Mea Selimovi gives to the person she loves, she does not always say what she thinks, she should be silent, but I was not chosen to be silent, but I represent the voice of the Albanians of the Preev Valley”, Kamberi said.
“I do not represent yellow, black or blue, but discriminated Albanians. Who would have thought that the only opposition in the Serbian Parliament would be Albanians and Bonjacs. Batu for democracy. Such a parliament could not even be produced. by Slobodan Miloevi “. Kamberi said.
As he added, the government made up of the left and the center right has produced, as he sees it, a totalitarian government that was elected through a democratic process, as all modern totalitarian politicians do, he says.
He compared Serbia with Belarus, and called the government “retouched radicals” who, he says, care about their image, so there are 11 women in government, there is also the Ministry of Human Rights, and everything seems a “perfect scenario”. uses hate speech and sexism.
Kamberi said that Serbian President Aleksandar Vui was talking about opening factories from Subotica to Vranje, and not Bujanovac and Preevo, and invited him to open at least one factory in those municipalities.
Speaking about the position of the national minorities, he asked Brnabi to present the ethnic structure of the employees at the Kranj hospital or at the Bujanovac toll plazas.
Dai replied that in Bujanovac, where 50 percent of the Serbs are, there is no one in power.
SNS MP Milenko Jovanov pointed out that Kamberi’s presentation would have been better and more interesting if he had received an invitation to enter the government and asked Daia to react whenever someone tries to present Serbia as it is not.
And after Dai, Kamberi spoke and said: “What kind of political, social, economic, cultural, health and educational situation have you, self-proclaimed patriots, taken Serbia? Serbia by Dimitrij Tucovi, Danilo Kia, Ivan Đurio …, but this Autocracy also has its own life. Geopolitical balance tactics like a change of copies of Tito’s Yugoslavia won’t help either. ”
Kamberi also said that today Serbia is a republic of a man whose power is stronger, while the potential of Serbia is falling, mainly demographically.
“People were hit by wars, and today they are hit by authoritarianism. It was miserable yesterday, it is miserable even today,” Kamberi said.