Just to hear what he said to his parents!


In a letter he had the opportunity to write to his closest relatives in the White House “Zadruga”, Edis Fetić addressed his children and friends, and told his father and mother that he loved them more. After the public fraud and the numerous stories that were rumored about the property in Šimanovci, he did not even mention his wife Zilha.

“Great sesame for both families. Umke wants you more grandmother, you are my first-born. Qaeda, I love you. I come quickly to ride quads. Meli loves you grandmother and I love my yellow. Greetings to Maya, Ismet and Adem, I am many of you I love the whole family more, don’t worry about anything, I’m too strong, my true friends and brothers in particular. Organize everything for Eid, not for people, but for these people with whom I am superbly housed. Mother, Grandmother, I love you more, “Edis Fetic said to his loved ones in his letter.

Her lover Dragana Mitar wrote a reality letter to her mother, and told her not to worry, and that not everything was what it seemed.

“My dear ones, first of all I want to tell you that I love you very much and that I miss you very much. I know that you care a lot, especially your mother, but there is no need, everything is a game. I’m fine, sometimes a movie breaks, you know and alone, I am full of everything that I miss my Jole, my love and my life very much My joki, I love you very much mom and I go to your house soon to make up for all this time we lost … Everything will be fine … There 50 more days until the end, and I can go every Friday. I can’t wait to see you and hug you, “Dragana wrote, adding:” We will talk about some things when I come, I will not talk about it here … I know why You blame me? But nothing is black. I have punished a little here. I know that Mom blames me more, but I will not see him anymore. I will see you soon, I love you very much, my Jolet … As soon as I leave, I will solve all things one I hope Jole is good to me, I miss her very much and it is very difficult for me, but a little more … I love them very much or everyone, and you are the best Joki !!! You are my life and my little baby … Your mother loves you very much and for a few more days and here I am, never to be separated again, and neither are we! I promise! I love you all, I know Mom cares, but not everything is as it seems. I will tell you when I get there. Do not worry! Dragana concluded.

photo: print screen

Kurir.rs, MG / Rosa / Photo: Print screen

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Author: Delivery courier
