JUST FOR VEDRAN, I LIVED: The mother of the man who was killed in Jerković is inconsolable – What kind of man shoots a disabled person?


Thus, for “Novosti”, without hiding tears and despair, says Dr. Mira Repčić, mother of the murdered Vedran, otherwise a well-known pediatrician, about whom colleagues, neighbors, as well as her little patients and their parents, have only words of praise.

The unfortunate mother found out about the tragedy that befell her, from the police. Soon after, friends, colleagues, neighbors, relatives began to arrive at her and Vedran’s apartment …

– I had no idea what happened when the police knocked on my door – says my mother. – When they told me that someone had killed my son, the whole world collapsed on me. What am I going to do now, poor me? Well, I only lived because of Vedran …

Mira Repčić says her son left the house on Wednesday morning to litter, buy something at a nearby store, and go to therapy.

– Five years ago, when he was shot almost in front of the house, I did everything as a mother and as a doctor to keep him alive. I devoted myself completely to him. He was in a coma and for months in the hospital, underwent several operations, but the bullet stayed in his head. He was slowly recovering mentally and even physically. Every day since he left the hospital, he did the prescribed exercises with the physical therapist at home. Well see how many devices we only have in the apartment? He also started going to physiotherapy on his own, taking care of corona protection, hygiene in the house, me …

The mother says that, together with her son, she walked every day, covered miles, only for Vedran to start walking better:

– The operation removed part of the bone from his leg and transferred it to his arm, which was almost dead. Slowly, with the proper medication and therapy, Vedran began to use his hand. But he had a problem with his leg, he was pulling a bit and that bothered him. That is why he practiced every day. And when it was the most painful, with tears on her face, she was able to tell me: “Mom, don’t worry, it hurts, but I’ll be fine, in the end you’ll be proud of me.”


– The day before they killed him, I bought him a new tracksuit – says his mother. – He dressed her yesterday morning, and I sent him out of the house with a kiss. She turned around, looked at me and said, “It looks good on me, but you’ll see, soon I will be able to wear jeans too. I want a lot of that, especially the ones that you, my mother, bought for me in Thessaloniki.” He smiled, turned, and left. Always.

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