Just as he did not know how to govern with honor, Djukanovic does not know how to lose with dignity


ALEKSANDAR VULIN: Just as he did not know how to govern with honor, Djukanovic does not know how to lose with dignity

Photo: Ministry of Defense of Serbia

“Just as he did not know that Milo Djukanovic ruled with honor, he does not know how to lose with dignity,” Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin said tonight of Milo Djukanovic’s accusations against Serbia and President Aleksandar Vucic.

– Djukanovic did not fall for Serbian nationalism, but for corruption and smuggling that he covered up with Montenegrin nationalism. Djukanovic did not lose the elections because he was attacked by Serbia, but because he attacked the Serbs. Djukanovic was not overthrown by the curse of the Serbian Orthodox Church, but he was humiliated and overthrown by the blessing of the Montenegrin Church of Miras. Vučić is the only statesman in the Balkans who makes decisions only according to the will of his people, and does not seek territory or influence outside his country, it is no wonder that Đukanović hates him and does not understand it, “said the Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, commenting on Milo Đukanović’s interview in which he attacks the President of Serbia and accuses Serbia and the Montenegrin opposition of heightened Serbian nationalism.


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