Just a few days before the fire in which the spouses died, Božidar was running barefoot down the street!



09.09.2020. 22:26 – 09.09.2020. 22:34

The investigation will determine exactly what started the fire, but poor gas installations in the home likely contributed to that.

Fire in Indjija

Fire in Indjija, Photo: Alo.rs/ Nenad Vujanovic

Božidar Dimitrijević (55) and his blind wife Ivana (41) died in a fire that broke out at dawn yesterday at their family’s house on Sava Kovačević Street in Inđija. The unhappy couple probably suffocated in their sleep from the smoke, because their bodies were found on the bed in the bedroom.

The investigation will determine exactly what started the fire, but poor gas installations in the home likely contributed to that, writes “Informer.”

Because the firefighters arrived quickly, the fire did not affect the entire house, so the surrounding facilities were not in danger. At that time, the fire engulfed only parts of the furniture and furnishings. When the fire was located, firefighters found two bodies in the bedroom. The flames had not engulfed the bodies of Bozidar and Ivana, indicating that they had suffocated from smoke, probably while they were sleeping. – says a source of the investigation.

According to him, the bodies were brought in for an autopsy, and the investigation determined that it was an accident and that the fire was not started.

Dimitrijevic’s neighbors say that Bozidar and Ivana lived alone and that he took care of her because she was almost completely blind.

– Until a few years ago he worked as a janitor in a private company, and left his job to dedicate himself completely to his blind wife. He did not part with her … Ivana worked as an operator in the municipality, and Božidar took her to work and brought her home. He helped her eat, walked with her … – a neighbor’s story.

He adds that Bozidar, however, has had mental problems in recent months.

Problemi sa bratom

Božidar’s friend also said that the victim Dimitrijević had family problems due to his property.

– He was in a very bad relationship with his brother. They even tried something in the house where Božidar lives. I know that my brother was trying insistently to evict him from that house, he wanted to demolish that part of the building where Božidar lived with Ivan. As far as I know, they have been on trial for several years, and Boža complained to me when he lost the dispute, says Božidar’s friend.

They used gas, but they also burned “Smederevo”

– Maybe on the coldest nights they wanted to save some dinars on the gas bill, I don’t know … However, the fire must have broken out due to failures in the gas installations, because I don’t think they asked for the stove that night, it wasn’t cold … I know they didn’t even cook food, they were already buying ready meals – said Jovanka.
