Just a few days ago, their daughter (7) drowned, but that is not the only tragedy that befalls them.



08.09.2020. 22:25

The body of a seven-year-old girl, OT de Bački Petrovo Selo, who, according to her one-year-younger brother, K. Š., Jumped in Tisza on Sunday afternoon, was found after an extensive search, and acquaintances of This family discovered that, unfortunately, this is not the first time. the tragedy that befell the T.

Divers, gendarmerie

Divers, gendarmerie, Photo: Printscreen

The search for the girl was made more difficult by the fact that Tisa was in certain parts, near the place where the girl disappeared, some ten meters or more deep. However, late in the afternoon, the girl’s body was found not far from where she jumped into the river.

According to a source close to the investigation, the police spoke with the girl’s mother, who stated that she and her brother left home on Sunday morning and that only a few hours later she learned that her daughter had disappeared in Tisa.

– The boy and the girl went to the part of the bank of the Tisza where the locals have moored boats near the beach of Kišmolska. There were bathers there, but the place where the boats are is so far away that none of those present heard or saw what really happened. The police only have one statement from the child who witnessed his disappearance. And the boy said that he and his sister came to shore where they boarded a boat. According to him, at one point the girl jumped out of the boat and disappeared into the river – says the interlocutor, noting that the case was reported to the police at 2 in the afternoon and that the search for the unfortunate continues ever since.

As it was said in the “Shamu Mihalj” primary school in Backi Petrovo Selo, the missing girl attended that school and was just beginning second grade.

– The only thing we can tell you for now is that the girl our student is missing and that she has just started second grade. Everything else depends on the police because the investigation is ongoing and we do not want to comment on anything – employees of the primary school “Shamu Mihalj” told us briefly while the search was still continuing.

“The mother had four children, but one of her babies died first.”

The girl’s relative says that she and her mother recently moved from Becej to Backo Petrovo Selo.

– It is a sad family that lives on social assistance. They are our distant relatives and we see each other in the village, but we are not very close. What I do know is that this is the second tragedy to befall them. The mother had four children, one of whom died first. As we have heard, the mother leaned on a child who was only four months old while he slept and the baby suffocated. What happened to that family is terrible, the relative of the missing girl tells us.

The residents of Backi Petrovo Selo are not well acquainted with the family of the OT girl, who is believed to have drowned in the Tisza. They know that the family lives on a farm and that they are not in very good economic condition. And while most do not remember similar tragedies, there are those who remember that a child drowned earlier in the Tisza.

– We are few and we are very united because we love our people and try to maintain it. We also do that with the beach, which we order year after year, and I don’t remember anyone drowning there. It is true that the part where the boats are moored is not really for swimming. Perhaps the girl hit her head on something, so she lost consciousness. It is a great tragedy – says an elderly resident.

The brothers also drowned

Unfortunately, the seven-year-old OT is not the only child to have drowned in Serbia in the past two weeks. Exactly two weeks before the tragedy in Backi Petrovo Selo, two boys aged five and seven drowned in Lake Ogača in Obrenovac, while their mother and stepfather were on the shore.

He entered the Danube and did not swim

The body of a 32-year-old man was found yesterday on the Danube in Novi Sad. He drowned around 3 p.m. Sunday in the Danube near Shanghai Beach, around the same time that the seven-year-old OT disappeared in Tisza. A young man was with friends, roasting pigs and drinking. He entered the Danube to bathe, swam about twenty meters, and never surfaced again. The police were called by people who were on the ground at the time. After the body was found around noon yesterday, it was sent for an autopsy and the 32-year-old’s cause of death will be determined.

The mystery of Barbara the Knight’s disappearance

Let us remind you, the last great tragedy at the Tisza occurred on December 16, 2016, when 15-year-old Barbara Vitez disappeared from Senta. On the fateful night, the girl was with her friends on her birthday, and when they returned, at least according to the story reconstructed by the competent authorities, Barbara fell from the bridge between Senta and Choka during a dangerous children’s game and drowned in the Tisza .

Ten days after the disappearance, an anonymous letter reached Barbara’s parents, alleging that the girl had been kidnapped and raped, and then “stunned with drugs poured into her juice, strangled, and thrown into the Tisza,” while friends of Barbara who were with her were fatal. nights claimed that he fell off the bridge and drowned.

Almost four years have passed since Barbara’s disappearance, and her parents still don’t give up hope that one day Barbara will return home, that she will find her.
