Juices on top and something to chew on, and SHOCK on the bottom! Seizure at Horgos


HORGOS – On December 15, 2020, customs officials, in cooperation with the police, prevented an attempt to smuggle “Kamagra” oral gel into the double bottom of a portable refrigerator at the exit of the Hogos crossing.

The case was discovered when a Skoda Octavia with Czech license plates, driven by a 32-year-old Czech citizen traveling in the company of his two-year-old younger brother, arrived at the regular inspection line in the afternoon.

Two passengers headed from Vrbas to the Czech Republic and when asked if they had anything to report, they replied that they were only bringing personal belongings.

After a detailed examination of passengers and vehicles, customs officials first found 8 bags of “kamagra” power gel in the driver’s pockets, and immediately afterwards they found 9 empty boxes of the same preparation in the compartment in front of the passenger seat. .

seizure, Horgos, kamagra gel
photo: Serbian Customs

The customs officers at that time were clear that the gels mentioned were hidden somewhere in the vehicle, so they searched it in detail and determined that the passengers “made an effort” to make a double bottom in a portable refrigerator.

That is to say, under the juices and food for the trip, in the double stitched bottom, there were 118 bags of kamagra oral gel of 100 mg of various flavors (pineapple, banana, strawberry, black currant, orange, vanilla).

The driver later confirmed that the 126 bags were his property and that he bought the product on the black market, considering that it is not sold for free in Serbia.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
