Actress Danijela Steinfeld, in the presence of the police deputy prosecutor, declared the identity of the possible perpetrator of the act of rape, said Ivana Rakočević, spokeswoman for the Belgrade Superior Prosecutor’s Office.
The media unofficially write that the sex offender when Danijela marked him as the perpetrator was actor Branislav Lečić.
How long is the road to the truth?

The guests of the Hot Day at 7.30 pm are Jugoslav Tintor, lawyer, Igor Jurić, founder of the Tijana Jurić Foundation, and Vesna Stanojević, coordinator of Safe House.
– I am rarely surprised by something, and I am already used to hearing everything and anything, but this surprised me today, says Stanojević.
– Lecic is the Tijana Juric Foundation ambassador, I am very impressed, because I know him, and he responded with pleasure to our activities. Of course, I am on the side of the victim, but it is difficult for me to understand that he really did that, but to remain in the presumption of innocence, says Jurić.

– We should not be too quick to draw conclusions based on articles and media recordings. The evidence collected must respond to reasonable doubts, and even if the process is initiated, the presumption of innocence must be respected. The media should pay attention to expressions, says Tintor.
– Victims find it difficult to talk about violence, some are afraid, others are ashamed. She probably couldn’t and wasn’t ready to talk about it sooner. But we have to wait, this will be a topic for days, because Lecic is our name, says Stanojevic.
-The most important thing is that the victim denounces the abused and then gets rid of the fear. But recording without permission is a crime, the recording can be analyzed by an expert and everything is subject to the procedure. In the initial phase, the prosecution has not yet made a decision, says Tintor.

– The problem with us is that the aggressor and the rapist are more protected than the victim. We have had situations where women who have been raped have kept silent, because they have realized that nothing is going to work because of the rapist’s connections, it is difficult to report it and it is even more difficult to end it. Our courts are slow, says Stanojevic.
– If we encourage the victims to publish the secret side, those cases that we do not know about, then we have done something, says Tintor.

– In smaller communities, victims are often left to fend for themselves, says Jurić.
– There are abuses everywhere, there are no institutions where women are not mistreated, blackmailed, they are present, and we deal with sporadic cases, not entirely, says Stanojevic.
– In the case of Milena Radulović, the experts determined that everything the victims said was credible. The investigation has been completed, I hope an indictment will be brought, says Tintor.

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