Whether the Washington agreement is a good or bad decision depends on whether both Belgrade and Pristina will be able to recognize the advantages of that agreement, says political scientist Dejan Jovic. He adds that if the signature is not respected, the situation can even get worse. Commenting on the situation in Montenegro, Jovic welcomed the agreement of the three coalitions and said that they should constitute the government as soon as possible.
The reactions and interpretations of the documents signed in Washington are not abating. Belgrade and Pristina signed declarations of intent and Trump signed a letter with no formal legal obligations to the United States. Will what was signed then have far-reaching consequences, or will many of the points of the agreement not be applied and are only a function of President Trump’s election campaign?
“It depends on whether the signatory parties will recognize that they have the elements not only to be satisfied but to strategically change their position in relation to what they have had so far. And I think it is possible, including Serbia for” I think it can achieve a lot. If you do not recognize the advantages of the signed agreement, things will remain in the air, “said Jovic live on Dan.
He also says that in the second case, the situation may not only remain the same, but also be worse, because, as he emphasizes, it will turn out that the promises made have not been honored.
“And in international politics, the word must have weight, and if you sign something, you must stick to it,” said Jovic.
According to Jovic, Pristina, for its part, received recognition of independence from Israel.
“This interrupted a series of 15 so-called recognitions, which led to a crisis, distanced Kosovo from the UN and other international organizations … Serbia agreed for a year not to push for the recognitions, and even if Serbia does not do it alone the fact that it has signed an agreement with Pristina will encourage some countries to recognize Kosovo, ”explains Jovic.
And also, the issue of moving the embassy to Jerusalem, as he says, may enrage some Muslim countries, which are not, to recognize an independent Kosovo.
What is good for Serbia, Jovic emphasizes, is putting Israel on their side.
“Having Israel on our side is good for Serbia, regardless of whether Trump will remain the president of the United States,” he says.
When asked if Serbia would win the Arab world and Brussels against them, Jovic said: “But the question is how realistic it is for Serbia to join the EU, how much is the EU willing to accept it as a member. The question is whether Serbia has more damage. ” use it. “
It is also useful in relation to Bosnia and Herzegovina, he adds.
“Dodik also asked Bosnia and Herzegovina to move its embassy to Jerusalem. If the Bosnians refuse, then the attitude of Israel and the United States towards Serbia will be better than towards the Bosnians in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that could tectonically change the position of Serbia in the Balkans “. very good relations with Israel, and Croatian politics is now neglecting the US a bit, and is more geared towards Brussels, ”said the N1 guest.
Jovic also says that it is not a mistake for Serbia to include Israel in the Washington agreement. “Especially since Kosovo is marked as a Muslim country and placed in the context of the Middle East, and that label is certainly not appreciated by the Albanians in Kosovo or the authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” he added.
Neither Serbia nor Kosovo are satisfied with Brussels, which, says Jovic, offers them nothing.
“The enlargement of the EU stopped, it was a mistake, I said that. Now there are other actors, we have Israel and the United States, even Great Britain … five actors are present there in a desire to undermine the EU, which has to blame for that. ” says Jovic.
“The government of Montenegro will be formed as soon as possible”

Commenting on the situation in Montenegro after the parliamentary elections, Jovic says that the coalitions that signed the agreement should form a government as soon as possible.
“Tensions could escalate in some circumstances. I am glad that they have been limited so far, because no one was killed. I am glad to see that the main actors have condemned some bad deeds that have happened. The three coalitions will remain strong. It remains to be seen. who will be the prime minister, if it will be a semi-expert or an expert government … But it is in their interest to form a government immediately, to show that they can and will remain united while they form a government and while the DPS is weakening “, Jovic explained.
But he warns: the opposition must understand that “the revolution did not win but the elections.”
“And that it is legal to have the opposition, that the DPS does not fall apart. Milo is still president, he has not lost everything and there will be a kind of coexistence with the government. If I were Milo, I would delay the government formation process, as it is delayed in Serbia. because Vučić has no reason for that, “concluded Jović.