Jovanović (trampoline): more and more patients need hospital care


Data on the number of new coronaviruses infected with the virus indicate that hospital capacities are filling up, meaning that more and more patients are in need of hospital care, said the director of the Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović this morning Batut “, Verica Jovanović.

He stated for RTS that during the night before alone, more than 50 admissions of covid patients were recorded, and that based on the standard daily cross-section of the condition at 3pm, that number will be even higher.

“By interrupting communication and controlling protective measures, we can prevent the spread of the disease, which is a precondition for our hospitals not being full,” said Jovanović.

He added that more than 1,500 new cases confirmed yesterday indicate the seriousness of the situation, and that their clinical picture is different, and that the number of 47 patients on respirators indicates that there are many people with more serious symptoms of the disease.

For all that, he also called on people with some of the symptoms, such as fever, to stay home until they receive the test results. “When it comes to Belgrade, there is a great fluctuation of people, and the spread of the disease (the most responsible) is the failure to use protective measures at celebrations, parties and family gatherings,” Jovanović said.

Commenting on the possible introduction of punitive measures for non-compliance with prevention recommendations, the director of “Batuta” points out that they will be implemented if the protection measures do not give adequate results.

Regarding the data on 313 kovid-positive students in Serbia so far, Jovanović stated that all schools applied the measures prescribed by the Ministry of Injuries, that none of these cases occurred in the school setting and that online classes were will introduce if several cases of covid-19 occur in a room.
