Jovanovic (DSS) on elections, dialogue, criticism of the opposition and whether he withdrew his candidacy for the presidency of Serbia


Given the situation of the opposition and the relationships that exist, it seems illusory to expect a common presidential candidate. After all, I’m not even sure it’s natural or desirable. The opposition is quite diverse in the political sense and I don’t see how or why those political differences would be ignored, says Milos Jovanovic, leader of the Democratic Party of Serbia (DSS), in an interview for “Blic Nedelja”.

Milos jovanovic

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Milos jovanovic

The Democratic Party of Serbia has joined POKS and some citizens’ associations have reached out to you. Are you happy with how things are going so far?

– Let’s go step by step. It was important to start rallying around a policy clearly defined as national and democratic. What makes us especially satisfied is the good atmosphere in which we began to build all this and the great response that the signing of the agreement had.

What did you find yourself in? What does DSS have that POKS does not have and vice versa?

– We are in politics and a platform that we easily complete because ideologically we are very close. From changing the electoral system to finally allow citizens to elect their representatives by name and surname, which will be an important and radical change in the political system of this country, going through the fight against corruption to issues of the utmost importance on the culture and identity of Serbs. people and within this essential issue of historical significance -which is the question of the monarchy and its reestablishment- we offer citizens a comprehensive vision with a series of concrete measures.

What is the idea of ​​enlargement? Maybe they go to the polls together?

– The idea and the objective is to offer citizens a true alternative in this completely poisoned environment. We called the platform that way: national democratic alternative or NOTHING for short! Nation and democracy are inseparable concepts here, and it is necessary to clearly tell people that it is possible to be a patriot and at the same time defend the rule of law and respect for institutions. It is possible to defend the Republika Srpska or the Serbs in Montenegro, and not allow it to be illegally demolished in Belgrade with ghosts on its head, without the police responding to calls from citizens. It is possible to say that Kosovo is Serbia and at the same time not allow it to be built in the middle of the Pančić peak without any permission and without all regulations. It is possible to strengthen the economy and fiscally consolidate the state, and not allow such expansion of corruption and enrichment of party cadres! Not only is it possible, but one cannot do without the other.

Milos jovanovic

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Milos jovanovic

Do you have any research, what do they say?

– I have never been too involved in research related to match ratings. Even today, I do not fully understand the need to constantly check the rating because, in fact, it does not change anything and does not affect our behavior: whatever our rating is, we certainly have to work hard and do our best to earn the trust of citizens, and that’s the only thing that matters. After all, in the end, only the election result counts, and not a “rating”. That is why we do the best we can and do not look back on the rest.

Two months ago he announced that he was preparing for the presidential elections. Is that plan still valid?

– The presidential elections are very important because they give us the opportunity to get out of this political mud into which we have turned the entire political scene. They provide the opportunity to, in addition to a biography, offer citizens a true program and vision of the country. They also provide the opportunity to show by example what a normal and decent political struggle should look like, and at the same time serious, thoughtful and energetic. And that is why we are preparing for those elections, and personally I will have no problem assuming that responsibility. None of us are involved in politics as a hobby or because life is bored. We want to change things in this country and we want to take responsibility for managing state affairs.

Do you think it is better for the entire opposition to have one candidate or for there to be more?

– Considering the situation of the opposition and the relationships that exist, it seems to me that it is illusory to expect a common candidate. After all, I’m not even sure it’s natural or desirable. The opposition is very diverse politically and I don’t see how or why these political differences would be ignored. Personally, I could never support anyone who thinks that the crime of genocide was committed in Srebrenica, someone who does not have a clear position regarding the secession of the southern province of Serbia, or someone for whom the EU is more important than his country. mother. As it would not be logical that the initiative “Let’s not drown Belgrade” supports me. That is why I think it is important to return politics to politics and to get out of the trap that part of the opposition tried to impose senselessly and in an extremely harmful way on everyone, and that is reflected exclusively in the fixation by Aleksandar Vučić. In the end, this madness acquired such proportions and somewhat totalitarian contours, that one can no longer freely say that vaccination is well organized, without being met by a barrage of criticism and insults on certain portals, which Mr. Kesić experienced to a certain point. . I do not agree with that madness, with that black and white painting, because not only is it never true, but it is not healthy for a society.

Milos Jovanovic, DSS

Photo: Vladimir Živojinović / RAS Serbia

Milos Jovanovic, DSS

He attended opposition meetings started by Tadic’s SDS. How are these meetings and what do you think of the events of the opposition in general?

– These meetings are very correct and really are conducted in good faith. These are all the people you can normally talk to. After all, we have already achieved some minimal results, here I am mainly referring to RTS, where some progress has been made, and now we have to move on. In this regard, we look forward to another conversation with RTS management, which was promised in the fall.

He is against including the European Union in the dialogue between the government and the opposition on electoral conditions. However, it seems that we cannot do it alone. Does that mean that DSS will not participate in the talks?

“You say we can’t do it alone and we haven’t even tried!” Of course, I am against presenting our weaknesses, shortcomings, and sometimes mutual intolerance in front of strangers. And no matter where those foreigners come from, the EU, Russia or China … it just isn’t done. It is about our problems, our internal affairs and primary education, as well as the dignity of the state, dictate that we solve them among ourselves. In that sense, it doesn’t even matter if we will solve our problems in an easier, civilized way or in a more difficult way, with a fight and a street fight. It is important that only we can solve them and that this is the only way in which we will walk the path of (self) maturation and the acquisition of a true democratic culture. Anything else would be an unworthy shortcut and by definition ineffective. And it amazes me how everyone so lightly accepts foreign mediation. It is as if we were a tribe … In 1992, we had round tables of the government and the opposition without any foreign interference.

As a French student, I have to ask you about the meeting between the presidents of Serbia and France. We have heard opposition leaders criticize Emanuel Macron and say that the citizens of Serbia have none of that.

– I have nothing to criticize or praise the President of France. He deals with the problems and the destiny of his country as he thinks he should and that is his business. And my position on this is irrelevant. On the other hand, what Serbia can get out of all these bilateral relations is important. In that sense, every meeting with foreign officials is important, especially when it is held at the highest level. I have listened very carefully to the joint statement of the two presidents and in what Emanuel Macron said there are several things that could be useful to us, both in the fight to preserve our national interests – first of all I mean to defend the territorial integrity of our country – and economically. I think it is good that the position of the Western powers with respect to our southern province is not the same. A more flexible understanding of how the Kosovo crisis can be resolved is in our favor. By definition, it weakens the pressure of the West on us than it would be if the whole world thought like Germany. It greatly increases our room for maneuver and probably gives us time. And I don’t have to waste words on the solution, it is written in the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia and Resolution 1244 of the United Nations Security Council.

Military service is not an outdated concept

Why do you support returning from military service? Isn’t that concept outdated?

– Of course it is not exceeded. On the contrary, many countries are considering returning to compulsory military service. Sweden did it recently in order to replenish its defense forces. As far as we are concerned, the return from military service undoubtedly increases the defense capacity of the country, which is of the greatest importance for Serbia, given the geopolitical context. The stronger we are militarily, the more we can preserve our national interests and peace at the same time. And for us, peace, and a long (if not eternal) peace, is really necessary to continue to develop and raise the level in all aspects, from the economy to culture in the broadest sense of the word.

The state is fighting well in a pandemic

How do you rate the way the government has been fighting the crown from the beginning of the crisis until today?

– I think our country fought well and showed itself well in this pandemic. In fact, those are the facts and they make me happy as a citizen of this country and as a Serb. Of course, nothing is finished yet, but I hope that we will soon start to get out of this situation. And I don’t think this issue should be politicized in any way. You asked me how the government fought and I replied that the state fought well. It’s important to make that distinction on topics like this.

Have you been vaccinated?

– Like all the colleagues from the Law School, a few weeks ago I received an invitation to request the vaccination and shortly after I received a Chinese vaccine. And I sincerely hope, from that professional point of view, that we go back to the amphitheaters as soon as possible and teach the students live without face masks, because that was one of the most important reasons for vaccination.
