Jovanovic did not attend the pronouncement! THE STRONGEST PRAYER FOR THE FIRST TIME IN SERBIA


NIS – Ninoslav Jovanovic, known as the Malcan barber, was sentenced today to life imprisonment for abducting a 12-year-old girl on December 20 last year in the Brzi Brod settlement.

Jovanovic was sentenced today, exactly the day he was captured in the local cemetery in his hometown of Malca last year.

This is the most severe punishment in our judiciary, and this is the first time that a court in Serbia has imposed life imprisonment, since this sanction was introduced into our legal system and began to be applied on December 1, 2019.

As Kurir learns, Jovanović received 11 years for kidnapping and life in prison for rape. High Court Judge Tamara Savić explained the verdict and said he was sane.

He has not attended the announcement of the verdict, that is, he has not been detained from the detention he is in for exactly one year, since his arrest on January 5 of last year. In addition to numerous news teams, the parents of Jovanović’s victim sent the verdict to the courtroom. This is a first instance verdict to which the defense has the right to appeal to the Nis Court of Appeal.

The arrival of the parents of the kidnapped girl to court today
The arrival of the parents of the kidnapped girl to court todayphoto: Курир / MS

The court also extended Jovanovic’s detention today. Although the entire criminal process, including the trial, was closed to the public to protect the interests of the minor victim, the verdict was made public.

Jovanovic is a multiple returnee who has spent more than 20 years in prison and is now in custody. Remember, he kidnapped the girl on December 20, 2019, after which she was found, and was arrested seven days later.

Nis High Court Judge Tamara Savić explained that both parties were respected in the main trial and that all evidence was taken into account. During the trial, Jovanovic persistently tried to postpone his sentence because he wanted to show that he was insane at the time of the girl’s abduction (12) and that he allegedly had a “disturbed” conscience, which would lead to his hospital treatment and he would not be left behind. lattice.

On December 20, he lured a poor girl into a car and drove her and abused her in the villages of Knjaževac and Niš for nine days. She was released in Pasjača on December 29 due to circumstances, and he lost his epilepsy medication, for which he was captured on January 5 at the local cemetery in his native Malča.

Jovanovic entered the Brzi Brod settlement while the girl was walking to school around 7.25. According to some complaints, he told her that he was an electrician and that he had to do something with the electricity in the sports balloon pavilion, which is inside his elementary school.

He then drove to the town of Malča and later damaged the car due to some circumstances. Then the real Golgotha ​​of the girl began because they walked towards the villages of Knjaževac on foot. his backpack was found near the town of Malca. They went to the abandoned house where Jovanović’s cousin lived. Strands of cut hair were also found. After nine days of tormenting the girl, Jovanović hid with her in shelters, abandoned houses of which there are hundreds in this area.

After eight or nine days, she lost her epilepsy medication, so she headed to her hometown with the girl. In the town of Pasjača, one weekend she came with her son to open the water valves so that the pipes would not burst. He found a girl and a kidnapper who escaped through the window on December 29.

Jovanovic’s parents reported him missing on July 27, when they were told that “there was no crime”, so there was no reaction. The mother and father of the kidnapped girl said on the eve of today’s verdict that they are seeking life in prison for the kidnapper.

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Author: delivery courier
