Jovana Gligorijevic on Dmitrovic, Vlada and Gordana Comic


The new Serbian government will be a puppet, says Jovana Gligorijevic, a journalist for the weekly Vreme. “None of the ministers will interfere in their work,” he said, adding that he did not know how Gordana Comic and Ratko Dmitrovic, whose political convictions are completely opposite, would sit in a session of that government.

“Aleksandar Šapić’s movement definitely got a ministerial post, but I can’t give the impression, not only when it comes to Dmitrović, but also everyone, that these people were chosen not because of skills, which they don’t have, but because of who they will do. more than to insult the part of the public that is not in favor of the regime, “said Gligorijević on the N1 Studio Live program.

He also says that the government will be a puppet.

“And they are not going to interfere in their work. But the messages that the one who formed the government sent us, and that is not the designated Prime Minister Ana Brnabić, with such solutions are worrying, and one of them is placing Ratko Dmitrović in the department of family and demography “. says a Time reporter.

It’s dmitrovic recently attacked host Ivan Ivanovic on Twitter and on that occasion he told him that he was known as a “chihuahua” and that “he had a completely unfounded fear of the Deputy Mayor Goran Vesić”. Ivanovic replied briefly to the tweet: well done Minister, happy start.

Gligorijevic was also “attacked” by the future minister.

“In 2016, Dmitrović, while announcing his book, called me a supporter of the Ustasha regime in Croatia. I blocked him … Then there was talk that he was targeting me, and not just me. He was a correspondent for Forum TM magazine. , which is completely pro-Yugoslav and very open to the authors of all the former republics. And that’s what bothered Dmitrović. And that lasted until December when the book came out. And then he stopped. ” Gligorijevic said.

According to the H1 interlocutor, swearing and insults are the least problem for her.

“When Dmitrović and people of similar ideological habits are in question, the smallest problem is swearing and name calling, the biggest is that toxic national discourse, the conceit of some foreign mercenaries and the like,” he says.

And the interesting thing about her in relation to Dmitrović is that he is a man of continuity.

“Since he was an advisor to Nebojsa Covic in the DOS government, unlike some current ministers who are political converts, who turned towards European politics, Ratko has been a man of continuity, because since 1991, when he started working for TV Belgrade, until today, remained in that ultra-nationalist line, which they believe is all the other disorder or obstacle that needs to be eliminated, “said Gligorijevic.

Dmitrović and Čomić irreconcilable opposites

So how will such a man cooperate with, say, Gordana Comic or feminists?

Since this is the Ministry of Attention to the Family and Demography, from a man who had to say negatively about the physical appearance of feminists, and when we talk about the birth rate, the rights of women and women are under attack , I don’t expect much good from women. “The only thing that consoles me is that no one in that government will interfere in their work,” emphasized the guest of N1.

About Gordana Comic in that government, she says there is no text.

“The only thing I had to say when I heard that she would be in government was that she had no text. I am only interested in how a woman who has always been an advocate for dialogue, peace politics, democratic procedures and gender equality he will sit at the same table with Dmitrovic, as the two are unimaginable and irreconcilable opposites, “asked Gligorijevic.
