JOVAN MARIĆ FIGHTING THE CROWN: Urgently hospitalized in serious condition!


Dr. Maric has bilateral pneumonia and is occasionally on oxygen.

This was confirmed by Marić himself in a short telephone conversation, as he has difficulty speaking due to a strong cough.

– I’ve been here in “Mišović” for two days. I thought that corona was a virus like any other, but now I see that it is not. It all started at the end of last week when I got a fever. I figured I had the flu somewhere, like I do every year right now, he said, adding:

– However, when I started to lose weight, a colleague of “Mišović” recommended that I start taking hemomycin. However, already on Monday, my condition worsened, I came to have an image of the lungs, on her advice, and it turned out that I had bilateral inflammation. I was immediately kept in the hospital and the crown test showed it to be positive, says Marić.

Although he belongs to the risk group, because he has associated diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, Marić does not worry, because he assures that he is in good hands.

– At “Mišović”, all patients have the best care, so I have it too. I’m taking therapy, I’m fighting and I hope to see you in about two weeks – said the teacher at the end of the conversation.

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