Journalists against violence: Inadmissible insults to Lukas directed at Zaklina Tatalović


The group Periodistas contra la Violencia evaluates as unacceptable the behavior of the folk singer Ace Lucas on the Hit Tweet program on TV Pink.

In a vulgar manner, Lukas presented indisputably sexist insults against N1 journalist Zaklina Tatalović.

Throughout the show, this singer, with a previous history of violence against women, constantly referred to the personality of Zaklina Tatalovic, insulting her appearance and dignity with her statements. Such attacks, accompanied by humiliation of journalists for physical appearance, without considering their professional abilities, derogatory comments about their style of dress are an example of an attempt to discredit women in the media, especially if they report on sensitive social and political issues “the statement said.

The group considers such vocabulary inadmissible, especially on television with national frequency.

“That is why we call the attention of editors and hosts of live shows so that they are forced to react more forcefully when their guests express hate speech. Otherwise, they are accomplices who enable and promote this form of communication”, they added.

The group “Journalists Against Violence Against Women” was founded with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the B92 Fund and is made up of more than 30 journalists from Serbian national and local media who they fight against violence against women in an organized way.
