Journalist Jelena Obućina resigned from UNS administration and resigned from membership


NewsMax Adria editor Jelena Obućina resigned from her position on the Board of Directors of the Association of Serbian Journalists (UNS) and resigned from UNS membership, the association announced.

The association affirms that Obućina did not sign yesterday the letter from the director, editor and journalist of the Nova S and News Max Adria televisions, owned by United Group, sent to the UNS.

“Dear members of the Board of Directors, I am resigning as a member of the Board of Directors. At the same time, I am resigning from the association. Good luck on the path you have chosen. All the best,” Obućina wrote.

On Friday, the Serbian Association of Journalists called on journalists from H1, Nova S and to “resist pressure from owners and stop violating the Journalists Code.” UNS said that H1 violated professional and ethical rules by reporting the Zurich court’s ruling in Dragan Solak’s lawsuit against Pink, Informer and Studio B, as well as information published by UNS about the trial.

H1 rejected such accusations and said yes. H1 journalists independently edit the show and report on events. in Serbia, without influence or pressure, and are free to express their views on editorial policy.

“The H1 journalists call on the UNS to stop the campaign of falsehoods against H1 and to finally start protecting the media workers in Serbia who are really under great pressure and who undoubtedly receive instructions not only from the owners, but also of the main authorities and other centers of political power. ”, affirmed the journalists of H1 Television.

The charges were also dismissed Nova S and Newsmax Adria journalists, as much as portal
