Joksimović: This year has shown that Serbia is a true European state


The Minister of European Integration, Jadranka Joksimović, stated that this year, marked by the coronavirus pandemic, Serbia was not a burden to anyone, that it successfully coped with the global crisis and provided its citizens with a level of medical care that neither the population or some EU members have.

“We have not made much progress in the EU accession process, but this year has shown that Serbia is a true European state,” Jadranka Joksimovic said during the National Conference on Cross-Border Cooperation.

Jadranka Joksimović stated that 1,151 projects, worth a total of € 406 million, were implemented that contribute to improving the lives of citizens on the border part of Serbia, and that these programs will continue.

“The process of European integration refers to the whole society, to the whole government, to achieve EU membership, but also to be able to say that people in Serbia live like in most European countries,” said Jadranka Joksimovic. .

He added that all projects in the accession process depend on the new EU budget and stated that “there are indications that today some compromise will be reached in the EU Council.”

“Enlargement policy is not as focused as in previous years, which should not discourage us but rather motivate us all to reduce the differences in the EU and the Western Balkans in the accession process, to unite the European continent in the true sense of the word and be more competitive in the world market. ” Joksimović said, adding that it will benefit all EU citizens and all citizens of Serbia.

factory, joksimovic
Source: Tanjug / Strahinja Acimovic

The head of the EU delegation in Serbia, Sam Fabrizi, stated that he was glad that Serbia was committed to these programs, because that is already a traditionally important part of the cooperation between Serbia and the EU.

“Cross-border cooperation is mainly important for people living on both sides of the border, who otherwise cooperate, but that should be deepened,” said the head of the EU delegation in Serbia.

The coronavirus pandemic, he said, brought many difficulties and with the help that the EU provides to several countries, it is good that “they themselves develop that capacity and sustainability.”

“We are all affected by Kovid-19 and we are trying to maintain the level of implementation of these projects and our support is there to try to find alternative ways to implement these projects,” Fabrizi said.

Cross-border cooperation programs are programs that Serbia has with Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and North Macedonia.
