Johnny appeared in front of a cafe after 7 years, the girls took him to the vet, and then they started crying! (PHOTO)



30.08.2020. 12:08

Johnny the dog came home at a time when he could barely walk. The pet disappeared even seven years ago, and if the owners persistently searched for it, they could not find it. The fate of this old mangup finally smiled almost a decade later.


DOG, RECOVERY, MAN, LOVE, Photo: Shutterstock, illustration

“Life is known to write novels. Johnny disappeared from his yard in Smederevska Palanka seven years ago, only to appear on the streets of Vrsac a few weeks ago. He will probably never know where he was all these years, but thanks to the girls in the cafes That they took him to the vet because he was having a hard time walking, thanks to the chip and your actions. Johnny’s first and true owners came and picked him up today, seven years is a long time, Johnny probably forgot them but they didn’t and as soon as they found out They found him, they came for him.

Dear Johnny, happy return to your family with the desire to live many more beautiful years, ”wrote the good people of Vrsac.

Johnny is not a Scottish Shepherd so he is not exactly a classic “lesie”, but he managed to return home and live a peaceful old age with people who love him.
