Joca will remember the horrible scene at Arsić’s house for the rest of her life!


He came to help the old woman and it was terrible: Joca will remember the horrible sight at Arsić's house for the rest of her life!

Photo: Informer / ST print screen

What he found in the room, the surprised man will remember for the rest of his life. The almost blackened and lifeless body of Nuša Arsić (79) lay on the bed, her son Goran (48) and her daughter Ljilja (50) were standing next to her, looking at him without saying a word. He knew they both had mental problems, but what he found, he said, he did not expect even in madness.

– When I entered the house, I asked Goran about his mother, and he replied that his mother had died and that they had buried her, which was suspicious to me – Joca Tasić, who was visibly upset, told Informer, adding that immediately alerted the police.

After examining the body, the coroner found no trace of violence, but determined that the old woman died a natural death. By the way, in the village of Zlatokop, brothers Goran and Ljilja Arsić are known to have income problems. As the saleswoman in the store in the center of town reveals to us, they came to do the shopping once a month, probably when Goran received his pension, because he worked for the army.

Since their father recently passed away, and now their mother as well, the locals rightly wonder how they will continue to live independently, because they clearly cannot take care of themselves.

– We are familiar with the situation in the Arsić family and all I can say is that we will continue to act as required by law – said Danijela Milosavljević, councilor for Social Affairs of the city.

Informer / ST Photo Print Screen

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