Jobs for 2,100 people: Construction of an auto parts factory in Zajear since November


Zajear – The Irish company APTIV, which makes parts for the automotive industry, will start building a factory in Zajear at the end of November.

Source: Tanjug



The factory will employ 2,100 workers, it was announced today on that city’s website.

As mentioned, it will be a totally new investment and will have, instead of the 20,000 square meters previously planned, a total production area of ​​30,000 square meters.

Before the construction of the factory, the Republic of Public Enterprises, the state and the city will complete the infrastructure obligations, which are a precondition for construction.

The city’s website indicates that EPS will begin to dismantle the 35 KW transmission line over a length of 450 meters.

The value of the works that will allow the start of the construction of the factory is more than five million dinars.

Likewise, the competent public service companies have received the permits to start the construction works of the wastewater collector and the water supply infrastructure that will accompany the construction of the factory.

Other infrastructure works, mainly energy and transport infrastructure, were taken over by the Government of the Republika Srpska.

In other words, the start of the works on the first phase (of the three planned) of the factory is scheduled for the end of March next year, while the training of the first employees will begin this year at the Novi Sad factory.

The training was previously planned to take place in a factory in Romania, but due to the pandemic, a different decision was made.

Full work capacity (all three phases) and employment of 2,100 workers are expected by the end of October 2021.

The city’s website indicates that such an agreement was reached today at the meeting of the mayor of Zajear Boca Nii with the highest representatives of the multinational APTIV, led by Luis Figueired and Martin Williams, and after a prior agreement with the Presidency and officials of the Government and RAS.
