Jesus held him in his arms when he was little, and today you must do THIS if you have children


CELEBRATING SAINT IGNACIO: Jesus held him in his arms when he was little, and today you must do THIS if you have children

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Today, the Serbian Orthodox Church celebrates Saint Ignatius the God Bearer.

He was the third patriarch of the Church of Antioch. He was called the bearer of God because Jesus Christ held him in his arms when he was a child.

According to the tradition related to this glory among the Serbs, the Lord, teaching his disciples humility, took a child and said: “Whoever humbles himself like a child, that is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” That boy was Ignacio.

When he grew up, he was a student of Saint John the Theologian and later a bishop in Antioch, where he was the first to introduce the antiphonal way of singing into the church. According to Christian tradition, this way of singing was revealed to Saint Ignatius among the angels of heaven.

San Ignacio
photo: Printscreen / YouTube

It is a song for two choirs, so that when the singing stops on one side, it begins on the other, and this way of singing to Saint Ignatius was miraculously revealed.

At that time, the emperor Trajan, passing through Antioch in the war campaign against Persia, learned of Saint Ignatius and tried to lead him away from the faith with advice and threats, even offering him the title of senator. When he failed, he ordered that he be sent in chains to Rome and thrown into the arena of the beasts.

The lions ripped it apart and ate it, leaving only a few larger bones and a heart.

He appeared several times from that world and performed miracles, helping to this day anyone who asks for help.

The saint passed the difficult road from Antioch to Rome in prayer and a desire to suffer for the Lord. The lions tore him apart in the Roman arena in 106. Of the saints and martyrs, only his heart remained, full of love for the Lord Jesus Christ.

According to legend, on this day no hard work is done, especially for women, such as spinning, weaving, sewing.

In some places a cake is kneaded and distributed to the children, but first they are pulled by the ear so that they grow as much as possible in the new year. Today, housewives feed poultry in a special way: in a circle, made of stretched rope, specially stored grain is thrown.

( Printscreen / YouTube)

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