Jerkov instead of Lutovac? How strong is dissatisfaction within the DS | Politics


Dissatisfied Democrats plan to replace President Zoran Lutovac on the Main Board. Vice Presidents Aleksandra Jerkov and Dragoslav Šumarac are mentioned as possible replacements

The DEMOCRATIC party could split into two parts on Sunday and get two leaders, who will claim to be legitimate; This is, as it stands now, a realistic result of several months of conflict between a group of dissatisfied officials and the current President Zoran. Lutovca

In other words, more than a third of the members of the DS Main Board, that is, 133 of them, signed the request for the session of this body and scheduled it for Sunday, May 17. According to them, they are entitled to that according to the Statute.

The plan is to launch an initiative to eliminate Lutovac, who, in turn, convened the OSC for May 31, and take command of the DS, up to the Assembly for the election of a new leadership, one of the two vice presidents. : Dragoslav Sumarac or Aleksandra Jerkov.

Lutovac announced on social media that he would not resign his leadership position without a fight, and told the rebel current that “it will not happen” and that “there are many more true Democrats.” His strategy is to try to break the quorum at the CSO, which was scheduled for May 17 by the opposition current, so that he does not go to the session, and the presidents of the local boards who are loyal to him will be absent.

Opponents of Lutovac, on the other hand, accuse the current party chief of dissolving numerous municipal and municipal boards in the party, and of appointing commissioners for leadership positions, trying to obtain a majority in the Main Board, which they say has no legitimacy. . They also reproach him that, since he became the head of the DS, he has closed the party, by order of Dragan Djilas, to completely drown it in the Alliance for Serbia.

Last week, a session of the DS Presidency was held, which, according to our sources, was very tumultuous, because Lutovac openly opposed some officials who until now had departed, such as Goran Ciric, the head of the Democratic parliamentary group in the Serbian Parliament. .

On Wednesday, Ciric said he was among the OSC members who signed the request for the session to be held on May 17, instead of May 31, because, as he explained, the DS should react to everything that is happening. in the country as soon as possible. Commenting that the intention of the previous session of the OSC is “to destroy Lutovac”, he says:

– Each main meeting is an exam for each president, from the nineties onwards. Then the president presents a report, the report is voted, if he receives support, he continues working, without a vote it means that kind of mistrust, which means dismissal. It has not happened in DS history that the president has lost the confidence of CSOs, Ciric said.


A GROUP of prominent and “older” Democrats, such as Vida Ognjenovic, Slobodan Milosavljevic, Gorica Mojovic, Dragan Domazet, Branislav Lecic, requested a meeting with Lutovac, to discuss how to calm the passions in the party and try to overcome conflict. As we discovered, Lutovac refused to meet with them.
