Jeremic: The fight for the vaccine can have devastating consequences across the globe


The president of the Popular Party, Vuk Jeremic, stated that the availability of the coronavirus vaccine is “the name of a game in which the goal of all countries is to provide and distribute the vaccine before others.”

As the party announced, Jeremic said at the opening of the annual meeting of world leaders from the public and private sectors that the fight for the vaccine “can have devastating consequences on the entire planet.

“Humanity has not yet faced the politically probably most difficult and complex moment of the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic, in the coming months a serious geopolitical upheaval is looming, which could have drastic consequences,” believes Jeremic.

Assessing that geopolitics is changing in cycles, Jeremic said that these “cycles” last longer, making the previous decade a “decade of geopolitical recession” that the impact of the pandemic on the world threatens to “turn into depression “That could” last for decades and lead to global conflict. “

Jeremic said that these challenges can only be overcome with “much greater quality and cooperation between states” than now.

“We should not ‘reinvent the wheel’ but go back to the UN 2030 Agenda and meet the sustainable development goals. Today, no country in the world, including the wealthiest, is on track to meet them,” said Jeremic.

Jeremic also noted the deepening divide between the world’s two major powers: the United States and China.

Currently, rivalry is most notorious in the field of high technology, but given the scope and importance of technology in the functioning of the modern world, it is possible that this division extends to all segments of life and that the planet can be strictly divided into blocks in a few years. the division could be even sharper than in the second half of the 20th century. We have to resist that, “Jeremic concluded.

In addition to Jeremic, who is also a former Serbian Foreign Minister and former President of the UN General Assembly, Nobel Peace Prize winner Rae Kwon Chung and Armenian President Armen Sargsyan also participated in the inauguration of the plenary session, which was carried out by video link.

The traditional annual meeting of world leaders from the public and private sectors is held under the auspices of the first president of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev, and the main theme this year is “The world after KOVID-19”.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus
