Jeremic: Signs across the street from my building, a mob message sent to my family


The president of the Popular Party, Vuk Jeremic, says about the posters that appeared in front of his building, in the embassy of an African country, on Sunday night, that he believes it was a “mafia message” obviously directed “at him and his family “, which meant” We know where you live. ” He adds that posters with “very offensive content” were posted only in front of his building and nowhere else.

“It is below all levels, it is not done anywhere in the civilized world, especially in the place under the cameras, because there is an embassy in front of our house. It is the same place where my wife experienced discomfort and fled to the building, when the Vracar Police Department reacted quickly they arrested the culprit, “Jeremic said live on Dan on TV N1, adding that he wanted to praise the Vracar Police Department,” because they also reacted quickly this time. “

However, he asked the current government, which “loudly announces a confrontation with organized crime, if it is capable of solving a trivial case like this.”

“The question is, when the police did not find them, someone will protect them and why, because everything is under the cameras. I would like my suspicion that they are not going to be caught,” Jeremic said, adding that ” left for ordinary people. ” citizens, and who can protect them if we have reached the point where the family of political opponents is intimidated in the center of the capital ”.

When asked if he believes the same people put up posters in front of his building and intimidated his wife earlier, he says he does not know and that it is “pure speculation”.

When asked if he would hire personal security, Jeremic said that “in a country, if the state is behind the attempt to endanger someone’s security in one way or another, there is no security that can save him.”

“I have no fear of the previous era. I did not feel resentful of anyone, except the current government. I am not afraid of anyone, except for the discomfort that the state can create for you, and in the state no one can protect you,” says Jeremic .

“I have no need for security, I do not intend to stop speaking openly about what I am talking about. I leave my security in the hands of the state. I am a citizen of this state, and I hope that it protects me like all other citizens,” said the president. customers.
