Jeremic: Serbia has pledged in Washington to stop pushing for the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo forever – Politics


The President of the People’s Party, Vuk Jeremic, affirmed today that Serbia, with the signature of President Aleksandar Vucic in the White House, committed to “forever stop lobbying” in the world to withdraw recognition of Kosovo and violated a resolution of the UN Security Council for the first time in the history of Yugoslav and Serbian diplomacy.

Jeremic: Serbia has pledged in Washington to stop pushing for the withdrawal of recognition of Kosovo 1Photo: CIRSD

“The way the part about the obligation to stop lobbying is written with a comma in a rather fatal place means that we have committed ad infinitum, so without a time limit, not to do so, while Pristina has been committed not to apply for membership in organizations. It is obvious that no one in the Serbian delegation was familiar with the delicacy of the English language, “Jeremic told Nova S.

Jeremic pointed out that by accepting the transfer of the Serbian Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, he directly violated Resolution 478 of the UN Security Council of 1980, which obliges UN member states not to open embassies in Jerusalem.

“This has caused damage to our national interests because the reputation of Serbia in the world has been significantly reduced. How can we now credibly defend the respect of Resolution 1244, which is the basis of our Kosovo policy in international relations? “By moving the embassy, ​​Serbia has put a finger in the eye of the European Union, which is our most important partner in the economy and in many other areas,” Jeremic said.

Jeremic, who is also a former Serbian Foreign Minister and President of the UN General Assembly, said that Serbia, through Vucic’s presence in the White House, was “literally used as a disposable tool in the election campaign of the President of the United States, Donald Trump. “

“Vučić relies a lot on political marketing and public relations (PR), but in the White House he met someone who is much better at it. He did everything for that painting in the White House, but even that turned out not to be the most. happy, ”Jeremic said.

When asked about the Serbian Government’s decision to suspend all military exercises with all military partners and abandon the military exercise with Belarus for six months, as well as Minister Aleksandar Vulin’s statement that Serbia is “under terrible pressure and undeserved from the EU, “Jeremic replied that the EU’s sensitivity has increased. due to the events in Belarus after the presidential elections there.

“The pressure was certainly exerted, and the other question is whether the pressure is so terrible that Vulin can’t sleep at night,” Jeremic said.

Jeremic claimed that Vucic has had a big problem with the EU since last Friday, when he signed the document at the White House, which is why he signed in Washington.

“This is the moment when Vučić made the tactical decision to give in under pressure.” Now he canceled the military exercises, he will return tomorrow … There is no consistency and no political and diplomatic strategy, “Jeremic said.

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