Jeremic fired Djilas, again did not appear at the opposition rally


The Alliance for Serbia has obviously expired, making it increasingly difficult to hide from the public and its leaders.

The actions, performances and protests of the SZS in recent days are increasingly like desperate jolts to rally and rally the dispersed team in entirely new circumstances, in which the boycott is just another failed plan.

Arguments at meetings.

Yesterday they could not meet in their entirety when they announced before the Electoral Commission of the Republic (REC) that they would request a review of the constitutionality of the latest changes to the electoral laws.

It was noted that Vuk Jeremic, the leader of the Popular Party, was not that he was not next to Dragan Djilas, the leader of the SAA, as he used to be, but that he had not come to this meeting!

This is not the first time that Jeremic has been absent from Djilas’ activities, he did not appear on April 27, when the SZS announced in front of the Assembly that it would boycott the first session of parliament during the epidemic. The messenger has already written that the two have renewed the old conflict.

Public performance ... Tefanović, Aleksić and Đilas
Public performance … Tefanović, Aleksić and Đilasphoto: Ana Paunković

Serious sparks also erupted between Jeremic and Bosko Obradovic, when the vice president of the National Assembly, Zdravko Ponos, says he does not trust him.

– The big question is which Boško Obradović to support, the one who advocated a boycott ten days ago, the one who advocated at the recent meeting to go to the polls or this Boško who would now negotiate with the authorities to create the conditions for the elections – Ponos said.

He criticized other SZS leaders who visited Obradovic during the strike:

A fragile coalition

– I do not understand even the political actors who come to support him. Is it an idea to support it so that it lasts until the end? If they support it, they should also go on hunger strike.

Political scientist Vladimir Goati tells Kurir that in the opposition boycott, gathered around the SZS, what was suspected from the beginning came to light.

– Obviously, the unity of the opposition around the SZS is so fragile that now, after a few months, it has practically reduced to half or even less than half of the opposition parties and movements. It turned out that many were right and that at first, mainly due to pronounced ideological differences, they doubted the unity of the opposition. Because of this, the chances of the opposition achieving a better result in the elections have been significantly reduced, estimates our interlocutor.

Local agreement


After the decision to end the boycott, the PSG began to accelerate coalition negotiation in local elections. As we discovered, PSG calculated that Sabac would agree to cooperate with Together for Serbia Nebojsa Zelenovic, who was the first to violate the boycott on the premises, but that did not happen:

– There were meetings, but Zelenović did not want to publicly support Sergej Trifunović and PSG because he has the entry of ZZS into the united DS.



photo: Ana Paunković

Unlike Jeremic, SAA Vice President Marko Bastac was at the SZS meeting yesterday, but he remained visibly separate from everyone. While the others stood in front of the camera, Bastać stepped aside and smoked. Dragan Djilas, Janko Veselinovic, Miroslav Aleksic, Borko Stefanovic and others walked to the Assembly to visit Obradovic, who is on a hunger strike for the third day, and stayed only five minutes. Nikola Jovanović of the People’s Party was also there, when we already wrote that he was closer to Đilas than to Jeremić, and Zoran Lutovac did not come. I. Kljajić – S. Slamnig Photo:


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
