Jelisaveta Vasilic responded to Prime Minister H1 Serbia


After the member of the Anti-Corruption Council, Jelisaveta Vasilić, spoke about the weak cooperation with state institutions in corruption cases, she mentioned the name of the brother of the President of Serbia, when, as she said, either for that the Council present evidence or for Jelisaveta Vasilić to resign. A member of the Council responded to the Prime Minister today and, among other things, told him that he would not resign.

We post your full answer:

“The council is a collective body that responded to the Prime Minister’s statement, with which I fully agree. However, since I was personally appointed, I have the right and the obligation to give my personal answer.

I thank the Prime Minister for finally, after many years, taking an interest in the work of the Council, because during these eight years, nobody in the Government was interested in what we do, why we work, how we work, although we are an advisory body to the Government. ..

Each year, the Council submits to the Government its work report for the current year and its work plan for the following year. If the Government had taken an interest in our work, it could have known from the report and the work plan which areas of corruption would be covered, being the issue of the protection of public property a constant subject of prosecution, as it involves large assets. value and unforeseeable consequences of corruption.

Public property is regulated by the Constitution and the Public Property Law, which lists the forms of public property that I will list to remind you of the property that we must all protect. These are natural resources (waters, streams, aquatic lands, water facilities, springs, mineral resources; assets of general interest (agricultural and other lands, forests and forest lands, cultural assets), assets of general use (roads, railways, bridges, squares, parks and networks).

Working on these reports is very problematic, because it is a serious and large public property that is very attractive to corruption.

When I spoke in my interview about the unavailability of data in relation to state-owned agricultural lands, I mentioned the RGA as an institution from which we never received full documentation, so we were never able to complete the reports written in November 2012 , May 2015 and December. 2017.

All these years we have been persistently looking for documentation because in the 2017 report we found the disappearance of property data of 84 agricultural companies in the area of ​​122,000 ha, which we identified 11,000 ha of some property that was named as “unspecified property”, We do not know what is a form of property because it is not in the Constitution.

We found that the property data for 11,000 ha had disappeared and that 7,650 ha and 3,511 ha were missing, the properties of which were named “some other property” and “mixed property”. RGZ refused to hand over the data and documentation to the City Council, explaining that it was a trade secret, so the latest refusal would be explained by the lack of security controls.

We constantly present complaints to the Commissioner, all adopted by decisions, but those Commissioner’s decisions were never carried out.

Since we had several meetings with dissatisfied farmers, we decided to try once again to obtain the necessary documentation from the competent institutions to establish the truth in relation to the facts of the alienation of state agricultural lands.

The speech of the Prime Minister is surprising, who instead of determining how the RGA works and why it does not present the requested data and does not execute the binding Decisions of the Commissioner, as well as why the farmers are unhappy, asks that the names be given disgruntled authorities.

It is interesting what the President would do with those names, what possible consequences it could have for them because they addressed the Council and said that in Vojvodina there are cases where the government illegally allowed some people to acquire hectares and hectares of state agricultural land. damage to.

The Council will not give the names of the dissatisfied people, the Council does not care about the names, but the reasons for the dissatisfaction and how to help people to obtain justice according to the law.

Finally, I almost forgot that the Prime Minister asked me to resign as a member of the Council. Of course, I will not resign, but I will instruct the Prime Minister that it is her responsibility to fire me if she wishes, and that the Prime Minister can do so at any time without my decision.

I will not talk about the president of the state, about the way he addressed me and my family, which is inadmissible, uneducated and rude, it is simply not my level, but it is not his constitutional authority to address a member of the Council, Vasilic wrote .
