Jelisaveta Vasilić on the statement to the Serbian Telegraph


Jelisaveta Vasilic, a member of the Anti-Corruption Council, said the Serbian Telegraph’s claim that the Anti-Corruption Council “required an urgent investigation” into the property of Freedom and Justice Party (SAA) leader Dragan Djilas was incorrect and that the statement was “obvious. “. , who gave that list, tour.

Serbian telegraph He said that Vasilic said that “the competent state authorities are obliged to investigate the case of SAA leader Dragan Djilas and all allegations about his shady business and shady actions, for which he acquired luxury real estate in elite parts of Belgrade “.

We are broadcasting Jelisaveta Vasilić’s response to the Serbian Telegraph’s writings in their entirety:

“On December 2, 2020, the Srpski Telegraf newspaper asked me if I thought that the property of Mr. Djilas and his brother should be examined, just as I requested that Mr. Vucic’s property be examined. My answer was that he had been fighting by the government all my life. rights and consider that all criminal charges should be examined by the prosecution so that there is no difference in the proceedings against Vučić, Đilas or any other citizen.

Furthermore, I did not call or ask the Srpski Telegraf newspaper to investigate “suspicious deals”, “shady actions”, “luxury real estate”, “disputed property transfers”, “tax evasion”, “money laundering”, ” 35 luxury real estate “. “,” luxury duplex “, as indicated in the text, among other things.

Neither I, Jelisaveta Vasilić, a former judge, nor the Anti-Corruption Council are asking for it. Furthermore, the Anti-Corruption Council has never presented a report on Dragan Djilas’ businesses, not when he was in power, nor now, when he is in the opposition, because no one has ever made an official request or notification about the illegal acquisition of the property. by Dragan Djilas. . Therefore, the Council never received such a request, nor did the Council make such a request to the Prosecutor’s Office. And the statement that “the Council requires an urgent investigation” is completely incorrect.

The Anti-Corruption Council, since its inception, has been made up of people of integrity in their professions, who base their findings on evidence and report to the government, as its advisory body, and to the competent authorities that conduct criminal proceedings.

The intention of turning my statement is obvious, which is not allowed, because as a former judge, I defend the rule of law and ask that everyone’s assets be examined, if the acquisition of those assets is questioned and when requested by the prosecution.

That is why I promise not to give a statement to the Serbian Telegraph and other similar pro-regime outlets, because the sole purpose of taking a statement in that way is to obscure, not establish the truth, which I always defend. “
