Jelisaveta Vasilić makes accusations against Telekom in the Šolak media and did not appear at the Council session.


Jelisaveta Vasilic, a member of the Anti-Corruption Council, did not attend this Wednesday the last session of this body, in which the business cooperation between Telecom and Wireless Media was discussed, although for months he provided unilateral evaluations of the work of these companies, defending the interests of United Group Dragan Solak. By the way, Solak’s company is Telekom’s main competitor in the market.


At the same time, Vasilic continues alone in the media – on N1 and Nova S, televisions that are part of the United Group, as well as on NIN, Danas … – where he judges and repeats his old story, which is not the official position of Council. All the while, aside from the Council, he accuses Telecom of corrupt actions, which points to the suspicion that his ultimate goal is to devalue this company in the market and thus leave room for the expansion of the United Group.

The Vice-President of the Council, Miroslav Milićević, did not want to speak on behalf of Kurir about the aforementioned session of this body, nor about why Vasilić was absent. “I can’t tell you anything over the phone, I’m sorry,” Milicevic said briefly and hung up.

photo: Фотомонтажа

Therefore, our question about the Council’s unusual decision to send its statement, in which it makes accusations against Wireless Media owner Igor Žeželj, only to H1 television, which is owned by United Group, was left unanswered. Milicevic previously admitted that Jelisaveta Vasilic’s appearances in the media about Telecom and wireless media were the presentation of her personal evaluations. As he recently stated, “it is not uncommon for Council members to speak outside the Council on issues on which the Council has not taken a position.”

– It can only be in the form of personal opinion, which the Council cannot accept as its report – he emphasized for Fonet and recalled that “no one has ever made their opinion public on the case in question.”

Conflict of interests

However, Jelisaveta Vasilić was the first to introduce this practice in the Council. And why it does it for months, perhaps it also reveals an unusual and rather delicate circumstance. In other words, this member of the Council has serious suspicions that she has a conflict of interest, because her daughter Katarina Bajec has a program on one of the televisions that are part of the United Group. It is therefore openly asked whether this is the reason why Vasilić slanders Telecom on behalf of Šolak’s company. Vasilic tried awkwardly to hide it, so believe it or not, he even claimed that he didn’t even know what the United group was.

– I don’t know about that company. It is private and the Council does not take care of it at all. I don’t even know if they are competitive – he said before.

United Group media violates the code

Why not publish the full letter?

The Council for the Fight against Corruption issued a statement on Wednesday, in which it accused Igor Žeželj of pressuring the members of this body before the last session. This announcement was expressly broadcast by H1 and Nova S, United Group media. However, they were silent on the letter from Igor Žeželj, which he sent to the Council and for which he allegedly lobbied.

With such a move, these media violated the Serbian journalist code, which they regularly refer to. The aforementioned media only broadcast parts of Žeželj’s letter the next day, and only the parts that correspond to them. Thus, they have once again shown that they are dealing with what other media persistently accuse them of: publishing selective information and turning, without leaving readers the opportunity to read the letter in its entirety and provide their own judgment.

Kurir Editorial Office

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Author: delivery courier
