JELICA STOJANOVIĆ: By expelling the Serbian ambassadors, they sealed their rule of three decades marked by shamelessness


The recent expulsion of the Ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Montenegro, Mr. Vladimir Bozovic, by the previous government, otherwise prone to this dishonorable work that has been elevated to the rank of a “state-building” project, shows how dangerous and Devastating are the reckless distortions of historical events, said the president of Matica Srpska – Drustvo members in Montenegro, Dr. Jelica Stojanovic, stating that it is clear that the decision to oust Ambassador Bozovic, the old regime, sealed his brazen government of three decades.

– This gesture, too unworthy even to be described as a diplomatic scandal, expressed all the horror to which provincialism is ready, blinded by hatred. But, on the other hand, the expulsion of the ambassador of fraternal Serbia in Montenegro speaks for itself of what could have happened to thousands of Montenegrin citizens of Serbian nationality: that the result of the recent parliamentary elections was different. To that extent, the new government of Montenegro has a greater obligation to clearly define itself in accordance with this act, which once again tried to cast a shadow over the fraternal relations between Montenegro and Serbia, to present the distorted interpretation of the historical truth about 1918 as correct and The madmen of anti-Serbian extremism, for whom 1916 is closest to the heart, are also furious. The new government is obliged to establish a healthy socio-political environment in which the culture of internal dialogue, based on knowledge and morals, dominates, as well as to establish the closest relations with the Republic of Serbia, which will be the rule and not the rule. exception. Otherwise, the new capitulation will be repeated in 1916, this time the capitulation of reason to irrationality, leading to the worst form of slavery, concluded Dr. Stojanović.

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