Jelena Zorić was threatened again – the Society


H1 TV journalist Jelena Zorić was threatened again, her lawyer Dragoljub Đorđević told Danas.

Jelena Zoric threatened again 1Photo: Nebojsa Babic

As he stated, the police were informed about these new threats.

That the N1 journalist was again threatened was confirmed by the chairman of the Commission for Investigating the Murder of Journalists, Veran Matić, who said yesterday as a guest on N1 that a newspaper was found in front of her door on January 2, saying: No you can get away from it. ‘

These threats came just days after Jelena Zorić’s conversation with Svetislav Bojić, the lawyer for the first defendant in the Jovanjica case, and for which N1 filed a disciplinary report with the Belgrade Bar Association.

According to lawyer Dragoljub Djordjevic, Jelena Zoric delivered a statement to the Directorate of Criminal Police on the occasion of that conversation, during which she felt threatened.

– He gave a statement to the police who contacted the Deputy Prosecutor of the Second Basic Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade. The prosecutor ordered the collection of additional information and it is up to him to decide whether to bring an indictment in this case, Djordjevic notes.

At the same time, H1 television filed a disciplinary report against lawyer Bojić due to the threat to Jelena Zorić.

The president of the Belgrade Bar Association, Jugoslav Tintor, could not confirm whether the AKB disciplinary prosecutor received a disciplinary report.

According to him, the disciplinary bodies of the chamber are independent in relation to their leadership, and any interference in the procedure by the president would be inappropriate.

– I saw through the media that H1 submitted a report and I am sure they did. However, I can’t say if it came, as disciplinary reports don’t go through my hands, says Tintor.

Explaining the procedure, the AKB president points out that the disciplinary prosecutor, upon receiving the report, requests the statement of the lawyer to whom it refers.

– Only after considering the arguments of both parties, does he make the decision to initiate a disciplinary process, says Tintor, noting that there is the right to appeal the decision of the disciplinary prosecutor.

According to him, there are no defined deadlines within which the complainant must act on the report, so an express decision should not be expected.

If there is a disciplinary procedure, the president of the AKB observes that its structure is identical to that regulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure.

The range of sanctions that can be imposed in a disciplinary process varies from a reprimand, through a fine, to temporary or permanent expulsion from the courtroom.

Let us remind you, the Adria News doo company, within which H1 television operates, submitted a disciplinary report to the Belgrade Bar Association on the occasion of the lawyer Svetislav Bojić’s speech to the journalist of this house, Jelena Zorić.

According to the report, Bojić, representing the first defendant Predrag Koluvija, told Jelena Zorić on December 28 last year, after the main trial in the Jovanjica case, that his client was a wonderful man and a great believer and that he prayed for his health and for the acting deputy prosecutor and the policeman who arrested him.

Bojic noted that his client strongly believes in God and that whoever resented him did not do well.

A day later, in the same place, Bojić again approached journalist Zorić and said: “Today Pea’s arrest was almost lifted, and Peđa greeted you very much.”

The report recalls that the Statute of the Serbian Bar Association considers that the violation of the duties and reputation of the bar association prescribed by law, the Statute of the Serbian Bar Association and the Code of Professional Ethics of Lawyers constitutes a serious violation of the duties of lawyers and the reputation of the bar association.

Bojic: I didn’t make any threats.

Lawyer Svetislav Bojić points out to Danas that he was not informed that a disciplinary report had been filed against him and that he did not receive it as a statement.

– I found out about everything from the media. I will declare myself in it when and if I get it. I trust the institutions of the system and I think it is inappropriate to comment before that. What I can say is that I did not make any threats to Jelena Zorić. I think the best of her and I think she reported the Jovanjic case very correctly. I’m convinced that someone persuaded her to do this, says Bojić. It emphasizes that he himself filed a certain number of criminal charges for the threats he received after, according to what he claims, a persecution began against him. Bojic, however, would not say who he pressed charges against and why.

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