Jelena Trivan: giving money back to filmmakers instead of shooting each other – Culture


After the Ministry of Culture and Information reacted to the appearance of Jelena Trivan on one of the television stations and evaluated her as “obsessed with a strange rage, she threw trees and stones at the ministry due to the Center’s reduced budget of Serbian Cinema “, announced Jelena Trivan herself. Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Serbian Film Center.

Jelena Trivan: Give money back to filmmakers instead of shooting each other 1Photo: FoNet / Official Gazette

She estimated that nThis form of state communication is not appropriate for any state institution, not even for the Ministry of Culture and Information, and declared if notwhat if participationsuje indecent performance and blatant controversy but before that she stated some key data related to the Serbian Film Center.

With a lot of pošarguing that the Ministry of Culture and information my call for the protection of the Serbian Film Center is unclear (FCS) and the film industry, and since METERThe ministry has never supported cultural workers, I will try to respond only with facts, without entering vulgar language that is probably part of some pre-electoral program. ” Trivan said.

As she further stated, zand the previous year 2019, the Ministry of Culture proposed a reduction of the FCS budget by more than 500 million dinars, which we managed to return to the previous level just thanksCand reaction Ulegal board and the Ministry of Finance. In December when,, ,, Noit seems to me,, ,, In mMinistry of Culture and Information yesš she did not rule virus epidemic crown budžet Serbian Film Center reduced is by 12 percent,, ,, that is, for RSD 146,036 million, and obligations due for an amount of 253,551 million dinars they are not prebaNoJan na naš raNoUnited Nations,, ,, šthis caused great dissatisfaction with the filmžthey didn’t payCobligations Jan por contract. Attitude METERinistarstva bio is yes should withdraw funds from meDJInternational cooperation,, ,, although they are inšand movies ready to act on meDJinternational festivals,, ,, then the FCS is onšis a presentation at the Berlin Film Festivalor, although Ministarstvo and funds from the ukmezero.

In solidarity, with all cultural institutions, we have reduced the budget.žet FCS by 20 percent, that is, at 214 million dinars how much is Ministarstvo Apržilo, a METERthe ministry added on its own initiativetwithout punishment FCS reducing the yolkžeta za još 72,262 million dinars. So,, ,, responsibly METERministry is reachedthe who forgot to determine the mediumsPeople’s Pozor self-employed tvšta then it occurred to themme to believe it, believe it or notCinor since outbreakžand FCS. Once reNoju,, ,, if arrogance and rage are called fighting for the interests of the film industry for šthat we are ready please Mculture minister to start borri for the interests of people in culturesme, at least for the same thing they were accusedženi.

And if the minister believes that the Group for Cinematography of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce canžfor the guild to step back and become the appendage of othersžave let’s try this data behindDJit’s before the moviežije i kaže to the arrogant UO and Jelena Trivan hoCe gives zhowprotect the film industry,, ,, why Noega Cand insults and Iš smaller budžetom biti kažyours. One dosadašonly film investments are excludedNoThey are the result of the Prime Minister’s efforts and Vload From the Republic of Serbia return the Serbian film to its proper place, cast with constant obstructions abovežnot, G METERministries

Please ministarstvo culture refuse me returning the confiscated funds to the FCS account. My fight has principles and there is none in it.Nofor example, liNonog pošI’m not part of the sleeping movie guildšfelling liNono level and timeDJanja just because šI do my job concludes in a statement by Jelena Trivan.

The ministry said “Jelena Trivan was executed in difficult circumstances and she is advised to think more about the future before she says anything.”

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