26.12.2020. 13:20 – 26.12.2020. 14:35

Jelena Kostov, Photo: Marko Metlaš / Hello!
Jelena kostov he allegedly had an accident when he fell at his home in Golija and on that occasion suffered a pelvic fracture and dislocated his leg.
As they say, the house was full of teachers who were finishing the works of the new facility.
– When Jelena fell, she cried and cried. They all panicked. They immediately transferred her to the car and took her to hospital, the source told the Bizak singer.
By the way, a couple of months ago, since there is no appearance of the corona virus due to the pandemic, Jelena decided to go to Golija with her husband and son and escape the crowds of the city. She liked the place, so she decided to build a house.
The singer had a breast problem two years ago when her silicone exploded, and as she claimed at the time, the doctors barely saved her life. Later they found a lump on her breast, so she had to operate on her, but luckily it was a benign tumor.
Why his wife rarely appears, see HERE