Jelena Ćuruvija on October 5: I expected them to pay for what they did to my family and my country


The Milosevic regime also brutally treated political dissidents. Ivan Stambolić was killed, Belgrade District Court judge Nebojša Simeunović was killed, journalist Slavko Ćuruvuja was also killed …

We celebrate the 20th year of October 5 without a verdict for the murder of a journalist who was a staunch critic of the Slobodan Milosevic regime. Her daughter Jelena Ćuruvija told H1 how she felt on October 5. “It was emotional and I felt it like a small victory and I hope that something changes and that they pay for what they did to my family and to me and not only to me, but to the whole country,” he said.

She says she received promises from government officials that her father’s murder case would be solved. I began to doubt that this would be resolved when the calls were not given about it, when my father’s name was only mentioned on the anniversary, says Jelena Curuvija, adding that she knew it was not a priority for the authorities, but that she believed it would come someday. in order.

“Somehow, all these years, I was trying to find some answers in my own way. So I talked to a few different people. And that was a meaningful conversation for me with a man who worked in State Security, who told me it’s not that nothing be done in that case, but nothing will be done ”, says Jelena Ćuruvija.

The structures in the DB were maintained, the various powers were maintained, they protected each other, so the reasons are clear, he says.

After the murder of my father, the problems for the family and for me have just started, all those betrayals have already happened, he added. My way of drawing attention to my father was to create a Foundation, said Jelena Ćuruvija.

The whole story began with the Commission for the Investigation of the Murders of Journalists, he added. He said that he couldn’t get into (Serbian President’s) Aleksandar Vučić’s head and see if it was important to him or was it important to him, but it was a fact that things started then.

When asked if that has anything to do with the fact that Vučić himself was the Minister of Information at the time, when draconian punishments were imposed on the newspapers his father worked for, and that he himself spared no harsh words when Slavko Ćuruvija was in question. , his daughter says he doesn’t think the reasons are some of his personal regret. “I assume that some reasons came from outside that he thinks this should be resolved,” he said.

See the full interview in which he talks about the relationship between the past and this government towards that case in the video above.

Check out the full N1 program dedicated to the 20th anniversary of October 5:
