JAY’S MOST FAMOUS POOL CREATED IN PRISON: Written by a criminal who branded Arkan, and whose body was built on the foundations of the bomb.


One of them is the famous ballad “I made it in life”. However, in addition to being very emotional, this song also hides an incredible story about the author of the song.

The song “I made it in life” was written by Iso Lero Jamba, Dorcol’s most famous gift.

Jamba disappeared 27 years ago. He was last seen in the early hours of the morning in front of the “London” casino on the corner of Kneza Miloš and Kralja Milana, after a fight on the sixth floor of a Belgrade woman.

His body was never found, he is considered dead.

On the fateful morning of September 23, 1992, Iso arrived drunk at the casino on the sixth floor of “Beograđanka”, which was then provided by the agency “Delije”, and owned by Arkan.

At the exit of the elevator, Jamba allegedly collided with the fierce doormen. He did not want to pay for the ticket and, after a short discussion, spat out a photo of the commander of the Serbian Volunteer Guard. According to the command, the security officers beat Isa. Snezana Lero, Isa’s wife, later sued four of Arkan’s men in court, who she claimed beat and drove her Jamba in an unknown direction. It is still rumored on the street that a group of Arkan’s Delije / Tigers, including Vuksan, Šuca, and Gojak, beat Jamba to death with their hands, feet, and rifle butts, put him in a trunk, and carried him to Erdut, where it was built on the foundations of the Peja service station. sneakers.


The story of the conflict between Dzamba and Arkan originates, according to those familiar with the fighting in the 1990s, at the Valjevo Juvenile Correctional Center. The only known fight Arkan had in his life was supposedly with Jamb, who later won the duel, leaving Arkan with a scar on his face.

It is said that Arkan did not forget it later.


By the way, Jamba was friends with Giška, he was also friends with Knelet, he was good with singers and actors, and Jay was his aunt’s brother. Jamba is said to have written the hit hit “I Succeeded in Life” while in prison.


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