Jay’s grandchildren found out about his death!



09.12.2020. 15:08

Jay ramadanovsky

Jay Ramadanovski, Photo: Dejan Briza / Hello!

Jay Ramadanovski’s grandsons, Adrian and Daris, learned of the death of their grandfather, who passed away Sunday, December 6, at his apartment in Dorcol.

This was told by the singer Mina Kostić, who was very close to Jay, and stated that the singer’s eldest grandson had a very bad time with the news of his grandfather’s death.

– The grandchildren found out about Jay’s death. What can I tell you? It’s so difficult for me to talk about it. This is a very painful subject for me, I do not feel in any way. The oldest grandson, Adrian, cried when he heard, they couldn’t calm him down. Young Daris is unaware of what is happening. He could do everything somehow, but not without his grandchildren. He was with them more during this isolation. A wonderful blanket, a wonderful man. What to say about something so great – says Mina Kostić.

Adrian and Daris are the children of Jay’s eldest daughter Ana and her husband, singer Adil Maksutovic.

Jay Ramadanovski will be buried on Friday, December 11 at 2:30 p.m. M., In the Alley of deserving citizens of the New Belgrade Cemetery.

The funeral will be held according to Muslim customs, and according to Jay’s last wish, he will be sent to eternal rest to the sounds of 50 violins and his song “Sunday.”

Adil announced himself too, and you can read his shocking confession HERE
