11.12.2020. 08:00 – 11.12.2020. 08:12
Although he suffered greatly because he spent several years separated from his family, it built him as a person and made him a better person.
Jay Ramadanovski, Photo: Dejan Birza
Lifetime Džeja Ramadanovskog, Apart from the legendary songs, he will be remembered for the great humanitarian feats to which he was prone, and his difficult childhood impacted him so much that in recent years he helped financially and equipped the correctional home “Vasa Stajić” where he grew up, “Hello!” .
As our source reveals, the legendary singer tried by all means to help the children who ended up at home to give them at least a little better upbringing than he did.
– Ever since he appeared on stage, Jay has spoken honestly about the difficult upbringing and poverty his family struggled with. However, his life in the “Vasa Stajić” prison, where he ended up as a teenager, influenced him more than poverty and misery. Although he was a rebellious child who caused him problems every day, coming home was a very traumatic experience for him because it was the first time he had been separated from his parents and sisters. He suffered a lot to be there, but everyone in the house loved him immensely from day one. Although conditions were poor, the employees tried to keep all the children full, clean and safe. For all that, Jay decided to help the children financially and equip the residence where they are forced to be – says the source and reveals that Jay could buy another apartment in the city center with the sums he set aside for children in difficult situations. life.
Jay Ramadanovski, Photo: Rajko Ristic / Alo.rs
– His desire to help and beautify the childhood of the children who are in the correctional house was so strong that he often gave up his plans and big projects just to donate money for them. He wanted the rooms of the home where he grew up to be clean and whitewashed, and the rooms of the young people equipped at least so that everyone has their own bed – says the source and adds that not a day went by when the legendary singer did not remember through tears the correctional house.
– Whether he was sitting with friends, family or colleagues, Jay would tell at least one affair from home every day. There he met his friends for life, fought for a better tomorrow, grew stronger and decided not to let him return to the streets. The pain he felt when he was sent to that house turned him into a desire to be successful and to be someone and something. At all costs, he wanted his parents, and especially his mother, to be proud of him. In the end, he succeeded in that, and always reminded children from the end of that period of his life as an example that they should never give up – concludes the source of “Alo!”
How much the correctional house influenced him, but also how much he missed his mother during that period, the singer himself noted a few years ago.
– I often dream of a prison. During my entire stay there, my mom never visited me, only my dad came. My mother took care of my sisters and my father took care of me. I often cry about it. For this reason, one of the most beautiful moments of my life is my first great concert in Tasmajdan in 1991. Then I received the most beautiful applause of my life, and I was especially moved when my mother came on stage and gave me a bouquet – Ramadanovski pointed out.
The late Jay and Tihomir Arsić were supposed to act together in a movie. Take a closer look HERE!
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