Jankovic: We will slowly put the history of the crown “ad act”


Professor Radmilo Janković from the Niš Clinical Center said that vaccination against the coronavirus will begin in the highest possible magnitude in January and that little by little we will tell the story about the “ad act” of the crown. Jankovic told RTS this morning that he hoped “we will have better news on January 1”.

As reported on the RTS website, he claimed that Nis spent the night relatively quiet and that more than 20 anesthesiologists were on call. One team was on duty in the Emergency Center, the other in the red zone and the third in Krusevac.

“One has the impression that the situation is a bit calmer. There was less work than in previous years, and as for the Emergency Center and some injuries, which are common for this type of celebration for this occasion, we have fewer positive patients , less on the ventilator, less in intensive care, but there were admissions of Leskovac and Negotina, “said Janković.

He added that if the day is known in the morning, there is hope that it will be better.

“We hope that what closed the story in 2020, and that is the story that we will begin with the vaccination, which will begin to its fullest extent in January, and that we will gradually introduce the story of the crown announcement,” Janković said.

According to him, it was to be expected that as we attacked the virus, it would make a resistance, its own modification, and it was expected that this modified strain of the virus would appear as it did in Great Britain and now in almost all European countries.

“The first preliminary data, although there is no scientific evidence, indicate that in addition to being more virulent, the faster it is transmitted, it is no more pathogenic, it does not cause more severe clinical conditions, and all vaccines are effective, that is, they must be against that strain of virus ”. Janković concluded.
