Jankovic: We are not thinking of blocking, but we must implement the measures


A member of the crisis staff, Srdja Janković, stated in Novi Dan that the stricter epidemiological measures, ie incarceration, are not being considered at this time. “It is very far away. It is not an option that is on the table, it is not a measure that is being considered. We are trying to resolve things in such a way that there is no conclusion,” Janković said. He also says that “blocking” is not the solution, because then “human lives would be in danger otherwise.”

“At the moment, the emphasis is on implementing existing measures and recommendations more consistently, and that is absolutely necessary. There should be no further omissions or concessions in the implementation of the measures. A tightening is being considered, and there are many degrees. and nuances of that hardening. What is extreme, we are talking about shortening the working hours of cafes and all other facilities that serve as entertainment, because at night there is a greater risk of infection “, specified Janković.

It points out that even during the day in restaurants and similar facilities it should be kept at a distance, that a maximum of two people who are not members of the same household can sit at the same table both indoors and outdoors, regardless of whether this is not legally punishable. behavior.

“Wearing masks where there may be interpersonal contact. Punishment is not the focus of interest. We try to reach people with rational arguments. However, we are aware that this is a bit utopian and that the sanction is necessary to enforce any law Amendments to the Law on Protection against Early Illnesses allow sanctions to be carried out more efficiently and influence people to wear a mask where prescribed with a mandatory sanction, “says Janković.

He affirmed that the medical part of the Crisis Staff proposes to harden the measures according to the situation. But that is still under consideration.

“At this point, if we were to implement certain measures, we would feel some relief. Until that happens, it is certain that tougher measures will help us. But even if provisions are made to significantly toughen the measures, and that is not the case.” Implement, a tougher measure not implemented will not help us more than a less strict measure not implemented. Everyone must understand the seriousness of the situation. Not only citizens, but also experts, as well as the institutions in charge of implementing the measures, “says Jankovic.

According to him, if we continue to ignore the measures, the scenario may happen, as in other countries, to reach a greater number of patients. However, according to the situation, Janković says that a long-term balance must be found, that the flows of life must not suffocate, including the economy, and that the health system must function.

“If we had implemented the measures a little more consistently so far, perhaps the situation would not have been so unfavorable. This is an absent moment where we can prevent the increase in the number of infected from becoming extreme. Each of we must do everything possible to understand the problem. to be solved “, believes Janković.

He compared the current situation, although he stresses that it is a bit excessive, with the state of war, and affirms that “human lives are being lost in both the epidemic and the war.

“If we had not had rigorous measures, the situation would have gotten out of control. But even now we are threatened. When you have the virus in the population, when you have a large number of infected people, the possibility of transmission is greater. Janković stresses.

Speaking of the difference between the first wave and now, he explains that experts are now familiar with the situation that the epidemic will last a long time.

“We had the opportunity in the spring to hope that after the initial wave that we can solve in that way (blocking), there will be more smaller waves,” he said, noting that this did not happen, so now almost all countries have the same. problem.

Jankovic hopes that the vaccine trials will be completed as soon as possible and that, if approved, they will be phased out to citizens, depending on exposure.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
