Jankovic says: 70% of herd immunity is a threshold above which the virus is difficult to transmit


Srđa Janković, Immunologist

Immunologist Srdja Janković stated that an estimated 70% of herd immunity is a threshold above which coronavirus is difficult to transmit in a community.

“This includes both vaccinated people and those who have passed Kovid-19, as long as they have a long-term protective immune response,” Janković said in an interview with Politika.

He said that Serbia is currently a long way from that threshold, but that it will gradually get closer as vaccination progresses.

“For now, it is premature to talk about the elimination of the coronavirus in our country or in the world, but certainly that a significant coverage of the population with vaccination helps to stop the transmission of the infection,” he added.

When asked when the world can be expected to fight coronavirus, Janković noted that it is not possible to give a precise answer.

“Most experts expect that during the next year, 2021, especially starting in the spring, the kovid 19 pandemic will begin to gradually subside and that the next waves will be weaker. We can only hope for that,” he said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
